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CDI - Data Analyst H/F - Yves Rocher 1

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - Data Analyst H/F - Yves Rocher 1 chez Groupe Rocher

CDI - Data Analyst H/F - Yves Rocher 1

Do you want to become a part of a mission driven Company who works on its B-Corp Certification?

Ready to discover a new opportunity at Groupe Rocher, a company which reconnects people to nature?

If yes, join the Yves Rocher brand!

From the seed to the skin, we master the entire life cycle of our products. Becoming an Yves Rocher employee means to be part of a network of passionate and positive people, committed to protect biodiversity.

Data Analyst

(Based in Issy -Les-Moulineaux)

The world is changing, transforming and Yves Rocher is fully in line with this evolution.

Within the Data For Business team, come and write a new page of its history!

For 50 years, Yves Rocher has developed a privileged relationship with its clients, based on the use of various contact media: paper, email, sms, telephone... and many more to develop. We need to preserve this rare expertise and to do this, we are creating a team dedicated to distance selling in our central teams.

Your tasks:

• Implementation of the contact plan designed by our sales teams

• Ensure the quality of the selection of clients who will receive our messages by post or by telephone

• Create new statistical tools (scoring, decision tree, etc…) to select the best clients and improve the efficiency of our actions (personalization, etc…)

• Participation in IT projects for technology change (switching to Google Cloud Platform)

• Forecast in number and quality of the customer file

What we can offer you:

• Integrate a family group of French origin and international scope

• Work within a Breton and integrated brand: we are botanists, harvesters, manufacturers and retailers

• Participate in integration, training and CSR initiatives internally

• An internal mobility policy, with prospects for development towards other areas of expertise or professions

• A culture rooted in trust, respect, collaboration, accountability and where boldness is encouraged

This offer is made for you if:

 • You have a good knowledge of sql or sas, but you know that tomorrow's data will be in the cloud and want to participate in a migration project

• You are logical and legitimize your reasoning and results using figures

• You wish to evolve in an international environment and have a good practice of English

• For you, data is not just numbers and algorithms but actions and you have high standards for processing quality

• You are determined to carry out your projects, both in terms of quality and deadlines

• You know how to work with varied teams, experts or commercial and appreciate the richness of the exchanges

Ready to move the lines with us? Don't wait any longer and apply!

Ready to make this world more beautiful place with us? Apply!  

Did you know? Botanical Beauty Innovator since 1959, Yves Rocher offers a unique concept of committed beauty, accessible for all. With Brittany’s Nature as core inspiration, we are convinced that we can bring well being to all through Sustainable Botanical Solutions.

This offer is open to people in handicap situation

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CDI - Data Analyst H/F - Yves Rocher 1
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