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Systems Business Analyst – SFA/CRM - Europe M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Systems Business Analyst – SFA/CRM - Europe M/F chez H&H Group

Purpose of the Role

The Systems Business Analyst SFA/CRM will be responsible for supporting local and Group applications and assisting with the implementation of new systems with a focus on the SFA/CRM field for the European region.

The Systems Business Analyst will be expected to provide detailed requirements analysis/documentation, process mapping, and to coordinate user acceptance testing.

The Systems Business Analyst will also play a key role in supporting the global PMO team with regional project coordination and support , as well as being the PMO methodology champion for the region.

The role includes providing high-quality documentation and training on business applications.

Main responsibilities

Support business applications in the CRM/SFA field for the European region Suggest evolutions in the CRM/SFA field to further Work closely with global project managers to plan and coordinate the changes delivered in sprints or according to project plans for the EU region Work with the business in gathering requirements for innovative technology solutions Creation of various business documents including but not restricted to impact assessments, ROI, process maps, handover to support and work instructions Work with the team in developing technical specification documents required for various integration projects within the H&H ecosystem Partnering with and managing vendors to deliver shared business and solution outcomes Assist in developing and coordinating testing activities for business projects Operate in a team environment, contributing to delivery, problem solving and an outstanding creative team culture that supports fast and competitive solutions for the market Provide first-class and front-line support for daily challenges and questions from team members Be flexible to work across time zones, and to adjust working times as required to suit businesses in different geographies


5+ years’ experience as a systems business analyst in Wholesale, Consumer Goods, Cosmetics industry

Experience working with various CRM/SFA business applications and providing second level application support when required

Demonstrable knowledge of business processes and solutions relating to Wholesale/Consumer Goods/Cosmetics business

Good understanding of Project Management methodology

Information Technology degree with a focus in Business Administration

Skills and qualifications

Ability to analyse business processes using process mapping and develop user stories. Ability to manage several projects at the same time and assess priorities. Ability to establish priorities, work independently, and proceed with objectives with minimal supervision Ability to work autonomously, though collaboratively to achieve shared goals. Clear, concise, high quality written and verbal communication skills. Ability to work within tight timeframes. Ability to provide high level service and follow through. Maintain strong relationships and partnerships with the relevant stakeholders Demonstrate analytical insights, attention to detail and solution design. Willingness to work hard and smart in a dynamic, fast paced and constantly evolving environment. Ability to communicate with senior leadership.


Experience with implementation of ERP, preferably Microsoft Dynamics AX/D365 Project Management qualifications (Prince2, PMP, …) Another European language (French, Italian).

Job Type: Full-time

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Systems Business Analyst – SFA/CRM - Europe M/F
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