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Senior Data Analyst - CRM and Acquisition

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst - CRM and Acquisition chez Heetch

Data Analytics/Science Team @Heetch
Deep learning, hyperparameter tuning, parallel computing? Let’s first get the buzzwords out of the way, at Heetch we care about maximizing the impact rather than hype. Our Data people main strength lies more in their capacity to proactively seek out stakeholders and build relationships with them. Our team’s mission is to provide valuable data insights to Product/Marketing squads in order to help them understand what is going on, discover opportunities and take impactful decisions that will later on improve the whole experience for both our drivers and passengers.

What are the challenges Data Analysts face at Heetch?

Navigate through thousands of different datasets. Identify hidden business opportunities proactively. Motivate and/or automate data-driven decision-making. Improve our rules and processes around data quality standards. Work in one of the most competitive industries with a challenger status.

What will you do?

Work alongside CRM and Acquisition teams and become an expert in your domain’s data. Influence the team roadmap and priorities via analysis. Design experiments such as A/B tests. Develop and present business intelligence dashboards. Uncover hidden opportunities for growth and efficiency for Heetch (via User Funnel and Segmentation for example).

Does it sound like you?

You have some data manipulation experience (regardless of languages and tools). You create clear and powerful data visualizations (dashboards, presentations...). You can communicate effectively with colleagues from various backgrounds and technical levels. You have strong statistical knowledge and know how to navigate the traps of experimentation (AB testing). You proactively detect issues and identify their root cause. You want to steer the company in the right direction in terms of data quality standards. You have experience working with Marketing teams (CRM and/or Acquisition). You are fluent in English (it’s the language we use within the company, because hey we’re an international team )

Our team's values

Transparency: We discuss everything openly within the team. Our 'Speak up' culture is strong. Learn from failures: It's ok to fail, learn from it and try again. Experiment things: Being free is part of our DNA, we can try things as long as it brings value. Caring is sharing: We believe in continuous learning and want you to be proud of what you've learned/built. Sharing is a natural part of the process. What's next?
If your application is selected, the process will be composed of 4 steps: 1. Interview with the Manager. 2. Take home assignment. 3. Assignment follow-up with a future team mate. 4. A last round to meet your future teammates and stakeholders.
Heetch embraces diversity and equal opportunity for everyone We provide a safe and inclusive work environment. We are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. For non-European citizens, a valid working visa for France is required to be eligible for the role.
Heetch SAS is collecting your personal data (identity, contact details, academic background, professional experience and optionally a covering letter) for the processing of your application to our job offer, based on your consent. Your personal data will only be accessible to our hiring team, our co-founders, and the manager of the position you are applying to. In addition, data are stored by our processor in order to use its applications tracking system. Your data may be stored outside of the EU/EEA but are protected by appropriated safeguards. Your data are stored for a maximum duration of two years. If we do not reply to your application, you allow us to store your data during this term in order to potentially contact you for another position within our company or affiliates and subsidiaries. You have a right to access to your data, to rectify them, under some conditions to erase them, and to limit the processing. Also, you have a right of portability on your data. In addition, you may revoke your consent and we shall stop processing your data. Eventually, you have a right to define directives about the fate of your data if your death should occur. For more information about your rights, please see our privacy policy.
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Senior Data Analyst - CRM and Acquisition
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