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Business Analyst Product Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Product Manager chez HID Global

Suresnes (92)

The Role
- You strive on analyzing details and understanding relation between metrics and will support the entire Product Magnement team with your analytical skills and dashboards - You will act as business and pricing analytics person for the Business Area and support the group with insights and subject matter expertise - You would be working inside of the IAMS business unit within HID and therefore augment the lives of a lot of people in Enterprises, Banks or Governments with new exciting solutions to create, use and manage Secure Identities particular in regards to cloud solutions. - You will report to the VP Product - Identity and Access management Solutions (IAMS) and everyone for sure will expect magic from you from the beginning – we hope you do not forget to bring you magic wand on the first day - You will work with functional groups such as Finance, Operations, Marketing and Management to achieve business objectives and report on insights as well as your analytics to key stakeholders - When other companies ask you for all sorts of details – our ask is simple: be a self-starter, understand what you are do and help us get better in looking into all sorts of analytics - You will support a team of about 20 people all with different needs starting from standard daily reports & pricing discovery, moving on to pivot tables and ending in datacube data extraction and deep dive analytics - Ideally you have knowledge about recurring revenue metrics and topics like MRR, ARR, TCV or Churn - You are hands on and are not afraid to dig yourself in a problem when needed - You care about being precise as accuracy is important when we talk numbers, right? - You are not afraid to explain your findings in front of the team or management - In other words: if you think you fit the above and want to have fun at work with your colleagues, think that you bring subject matter expertise and you are not afraid to continuous battle our back-office systems with energy and passion – I suggest continuing to read the next paragraph

Duties and Responsibilities (yes there are some of those) include the following. - Here is the ask: Be the master of the universe – or better – the data-universe - You see yourself as the expert of Business Intelligence tools and drive them for the Business owners - Bring your knowledge to our reports, KPI´s and monitor status daily, monthly, YoY - Track targets and completion for the overall PM group but also on individual product or solutions. - Dig into our Datawarehouse and mine the details until you would be able to understand the root of a problem - Review needs of the team, propose solutions to their requirement and implement them accordingly - Create visual appealing reports and dashboards in xls, ppt, Tableu, Cliq or another needed tool to help solve the problem at hand - Create and maintain data visualizations that keep stakeholders informed on their key metrics - Drive Data projects for the Product Management group and act as go to person for those. - Own the master product pricelist and provide analytics on pricing performance and evolution in cooperation with our central pricing group - You know how to pack a suitcase? – perfect, otherwise travelling, what is partially needed for this role, will be really tricky - You are willing to make a difference? We really love people with an opinion, not shy to share and driving their business with passion

Special Qualifications - + 3 years in data analytics and dynamic visualization tools (e.g. Tableau) - Extended Experience in Excel (VBA, Arrays, Pivots, data import / datasources, lookups…)
- You have earned your wings already, know how to drive analytics for products, but still are ambitious, have not lost your will to experiment and have a strong desire to grab hold of more responsibility quickly? - have a high drive, enthusiasm and showcase passion for what you do all the time; passion might actually be your middle name? - are seeking a second job as actor? Maybe not. But sometimes you may need to bring your acting skill to work to convince management of your plans - optionally come from a company with a software product background and have real life experience within that space, preferably within an IAM and B2B or B2C oriented space - are a social person that gets along with teams, customers and literally any person at all times? - achieve results and can hold deadlines without someone reminding you every day. - Hold a bachelor or master in business or related to data, finance or analytics - are fluent in both written and spoken English – it’s our work language - are willing to take ownership - seek growth within your job in the future - have a passport and a driver license in case you need to travel? - finally, are still reading this job ad and think you are crazy enough to work with this product team? then the last section will help on the next steps - The position is preferably based in Suresnes Paris, France; for outstanding applicants we might also consider remote locations in EMEA or our offices in Fremont, CA, USA or Austin, TX, USA

apply online using the ASSA ABLOY job portal
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Business Analyst Product Manager
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