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Business Analyst - BI & Business Analytics (

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - BI & Business Analytics ( chez iBanFirst

What you will do

Founded in 2013, iBanFirst provides businesses with an international optimised financial services platform, combining technological, financial and regulatory expertise. Since its inception, iBanFirst has raised 25 million euros to become the European leader in financial services to companies with global business operations.

Licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, iBanFirst is the only online service that creates personalised IBANs in 25 currencies.

Since its creation, iBanFirst has convinced 2,500 customers for whom the company has processed 100,000 transactions, for a total volume of just under 5 billion euros. Today, the company has offices in Paris, Brussels, Dijon and Antwerp and has 90 employees.

Having already won several awards, iBanFirst has just been chosen as "Fintech scale-up" of the year 2018 in Belgium and is part of Deloitte's recognised "Technology Fast 50.

Fast-growing and groundbreaking, we are expanding in Europe and internationally. Our offices are in Paris, Dijon, Brussels and Antwerp.

Why work for us?

Being part of our team is a unique opportunity to develop your skills and progress rapidly in an environment at the cutting edge of innovation.

What we offer

Various missions and projects in an innovative and rising start-up in a thriving industry (fintech) A key role and a unique opportunity to shape the future of iBanFirst A great, professional and international team with a flat hierarchy A nice work environment, in a brand new office located in Paris 8 Regular offsite and internal events Attractive package, depending on profile

Skills we are looking for

What you will do

We seek an experienced, passionate, and highly motivated Business Analyst to join the ‘BI & Business Analytics’ team; you will be part of the Product department which has close interactions with all teams (Sales, Finance, Engineers, Marketing…)

Interns and or professionals are considered for this role.

Your responsibilities will include:

Specifications: gather internal needs in term of reporting and dashboards, create key Dashboards and reports Analysis & Reporting: build and send regular reports internally, provide recommendations and insights, perform Ad-hoc analysis Manage a dashboards’ roadmap Ensure Data integrity and provide support on created Dashboards,

Skills we are looking for

Must have requirements should you be an intern :

You graduated from a top-tier engineering school, business school, or university You are a fluent English and French speaker • You have • Effective analytical and organizational skills

Must have requirements should you be a professional :

A minimum of 2-3 years related experience in an analytics role, Effective analytical and organizational skills, Strong communication skills this position requires significant amount of cross-department interaction, Eagerness to work in a rapidly changing team environment,

Nice to have

Prior product management experience Experience in a fintech or B2B SaaS company

Discover the iBanFirst team

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Business Analyst - BI & Business Analytics (
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