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Talent Acquisition Manager M/W

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager M/W chez innova feed

Talent Acquisition Manager M/W

Our Company

As the world leader in alternative animal proteins, Innovafeed contributes to the construction of a sustainable food system by developing a pioneering and innovative industry: the breeding and processing of insects (Hermetia Illucens fly).
Our mission:
- Dealing with global protein deficit by strengthening our food systems
To have a positive overall environmental impact based on circular economy and inspired by natural food chains;
To generate territorial economic dynamism : in order to feed and raise our larvaes, we are co-located with agro-industrial partners that provide us with co-products and low footprint energy.
Incorporated in 2016, Innovafeed manufactures and sells 3 different insect-based products:
· Insect protein for a more sustainable and qualitative aquaculture, especially for feeding salmon and trout ð
· Insect oil for feeding animals (like pig and poultry), in the context of sustainable farming respectful of animal welfare ð 
·  Insect feces used as an effective organic fertilizer ð
To meet this challenge in the most eco-friendly way possible, we have set up a system of industrial symbiosis explained in this video: click here

The success of our project depends on a dynamic and talented team sharing the same values and driven by a common objective : to continue our development as a world leader in the animal nutrition market !
In order to support this scale-up, we are looking for new talents able to get deeply involved in our ambitious and dynamic company.
Are you willing to get involved in building a more natural and sustainable food system? Are you interested in biotechnology and sensitive to the problems of food scarcity?  So, we think you are ready to be part of the InnovaFeed adventure !
Our recruitment process is objective, inclusive and fair. It’s very important for us to offer from the start a clear, smooth and constructive recruitment experience for each applicant.
Your mission
As a Talent Acquisition Manager, you will join the Talent Acquisition Team (5 people) which is part of our wonderful HR team.
The talent Acquisition Team is in charge of 3 main topics : 
(i) Recruitment 
(ii) On and Off Boarding 
(iii) Employer Branding. 
Your missions will be :
1. Recruitment 
You will lead the recruitment process for defined teams. 
- Identify, attract, and assess top talents in a competitive landscape. 
- Collaborate and build a strong relationship with hiring managers to challenge their needs and decisions. 
- Ensure a best in class candidate experience from the first contact through onboarding.
- Participate in the tracking and reporting of talent acquisition metrics to identify best practices and pain points.
Your profile and skills
- Graduated from a business school or university with a specialization in human resources, you have at least 4 years of experience (including internships) in recruitment and/or HR project management. 
- You are proactive and have excellent communication skills, both written and oral. 
- You have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and are able to solve complex problems. 

Paris /
General Secretary – Human Resources /
Cpf final 4

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Talent Acquisition Manager M/W
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