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Senior Business Analyst - I-CORPORATE

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst - I-CORPORATE chez Interpol

Lyon (69)

Please read the Vacancy notice that is available at the bottom of the page (bullet point).

Conditions applying for both INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL candidates

Only professional experience for which candidates can provide official proof of employment will be considered. Candidates could be requested to provide copies of such official documents prior to interviews/test.

This position is financed by funds external to the Organization and carries, in principle, no expectation of renewal. Any potential subsequent extension will be subject to the terms of the Organization’s Staff Manual, to satisfactory performance and to availability of funds.

Tests/interviews in connection to this selection procedure will take place approximately 2/3 weeks after the deadline for applications. Applicants are kindly requested to plan their availability during this period accordingly, in case they are short-listed.

Selected candidates will be expected to report for duty approximately one month after receiving an offer of employment at the latest.

This selection exercise will be used to generate a reserve list of suitable candidates that will be used to address Organization's staffing needs in the future.

INTERPOL is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes the applications of all qualified candidates who are nationals of INTERPOL Member Countries, irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities.

INTERPOL places no restrictions on the eligibility of candidates, without distinction as to race or ethnic origin, religion, opinions, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. However, the national policy and laws in force in INTERPOL host countries may mean that staff members’ spouses or partners, while legally recognized by the Organization, are not given the same recognition when they reside in certain duty stations. When this is the case, the Organization will inform the candidates accordingly to ensure that they are aware of the situation and allow them to make an informed decision.


In application of Article 114.1 of INTERPOL’s Rules on the Processing of Data (RPD), the General Secretariat is “responsible for determining authorization procedures or a system of security clearance at each data confidentiality level”. Member states which are not able or willing to assist INTERPOL in performing such a check should be aware that some INTERPOL information might not be made available to their nationals working at INTERPOL.

In order to be able to access police information classified as “INTERPOL For official use only” or “INTERPOL RESTRICTED”, the individual has to obtain “INTERPOL Restricted” security clearance. This clearance is granted after Basic security screening.

In order to be able to access police information classified as “INTERPOL CONFIDENTIAL”, the individual has to obtain “INTERPOL Confidential” security clearance. This clearance is granted after Enhanced security screening.

Under no circumstances should clearance be granted simply because of an official’s rank, post held, or length of service. Staff may only gain access to General Secretariat premises and to police information if the appropriate INTERPOL security clearance has been obtained. In order to reduce the contract timeline, and as the Enhanced security screening may take some time, the Official requiring INTERPOL Confidential security clearance may be authorized to start the appointment if the NCB can confirm that the equivalent to Basic security screening has been performed. Access to INTERPOL CONFIDENTIAL information will not be authorized until Enhanced security screening is confirmed.

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Senior Business Analyst - I-CORPORATE
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