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Analyst, Clinical Data Programmer

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Contenu de l'offre Analyst, Clinical Data Programmer chez IQVIA

Analyst, Clinical Data Programmer

Opportunity to join a growing project in our company based in Strasbourg, France

Job Overview
Provide advanced technical expertise as part of a team to develop and maintain clinical systems to meet internal and external client needs.  Plan and coordinate database design and development for local, regional, or transnational use.  Provide leadership to the Clinical Data Programming department in the area of technical expertise.

Essential Functions
• Serve as Lead Programmer on the corporate team.
• Plan and coordinate database design, development, implementation, maintenance, and user support of clinical systems.
• Provide technical expertise in conjunction with internal and external clients.
• Program, test, and document databases in accordance with programming standards and validation procedures.
• Program database manipulation and transfers of data for internal and external clients.
• Mentor other team members and Lead Programmers in training and developing technical and/or database expertise.
• Independently bring project solutions to the CDP teams and the Clinical Data Programming department.
• May assist IT in developing and implementing new technologies.
• May assist IT in testing and evaluating new upgrades to technologies.
• May assist in developing, revising, and maintaining core operating procedures and working instructions.
• Meet objectives as assigned, and interact with the project team to organize timelines, responsibilities and deliverables.
• Develop and maintain good communications and working relationships with teams and external clients.

• Bachelor's Degree Computer/life science or related field Req
• 3 years of relevant work experience Req Or
• Equivalent combination of education, training and experience Req
• Clinical Data Programming:  Excellent knowledge of Oracle and/or SAS

• Technical skills such as: Python, Hadoop, Spotfire, Trifacta, Machine Learning (is a plus)
• Solid understanding of clinical drug development process
• Excellent organizational, communication, and technical database skills
• Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clients

• If you're not a EU citizen you must have a resident visa or a permanent visa.


IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and clinical research services to the life sciences industry. We believe in pushing the boundaries of human science and data science to make the biggest impact possible – to help our customers create a healthier world. Learn more at

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Analyst, Clinical Data Programmer
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