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Senior Business Analyst / Global Data Client Services Analyst – Healthcare & Life Sciences

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst / Global Data Client Services Analyst – Healthcare & Life Sciences chez IQVIA

Join us on our exciting journey!

IQVIA™ is The Human Data Science Company™, focused on using data and science to help healthcare clients find better solutions for their patients. Formed through the merger of IMS Health and Quintiles, IQVIA offers a broad range of solutions that harness advances in healthcare information, technology, analytics and human ingenuity to drive healthcare forward.

Senior Business Analyst / Global Data Client Services Analyst – Healthcare & Life Sciences

The Global Market Insights business of IQVIA provides our clients with the gold standard prescription sales value & volume data enriching our customers with deep insights into the performance of the global pharmaceutical industry. Companies ranging from the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies through to SMEs, Financial & Legal and Academic Institutions rely on our expertise around data and insights in their everyday business.


Client facing responsibilities:

Establish and build positive client relationships with defined clients, understanding their requirements in terms of data and services Act as dedicated point of contact to clients delivering expertise on all GMI Solutions. Ensure all contracted services are delivered to a high standard and look for opportunities to expand usage (ex. access of subscribed offerings) Conduct client trainings on all aspects of Global Market Insights Solutions (MIDAS and Syndicated Offerings data and systems) Manage, produce and deliver regular or ad-hoc client reports/database Manage and resolve client queries using in-depth understanding of the GMI Solutions and client portfolio Provide additional insight and interpretation of the data to enable appropriate resolution of business questions and/or issues. Conduct regular client meetings and service reviews to gain insights from client needs

Internal responsibilities:

Collaborate across different IQVIA functions and geographies Upskill knowledge on new offerings or new offering developments Conduct internal trainings on GMI solutions when required. Responsible for maintaining and growing revenue from existing services. Flag risks and opportunities. Ex. Identify opportunities to expand usage, risks if usage is low Support GMI Service objectives (stakeholder mapping, inclusion service packs etc.)


2-5 years related experience Detailed Knowledge of the pharmaceutical and healthcare market Experience in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Ability to understand and communicate detailed analysis and reporting on client issues such as complex data queries Ability to manage client expectations with regards to timelines as well as product/service capabilities. Extensive client facing experience, ideally within the pharmaceutical industry (ability to train and present to clients) Experienced in the use of Microsoft office, including Word/PowerPoint /Excel, to deliver high standard reporting and analytics Highly numerate with strong analytical skills, attention to detail. High competency and interest in business intelligence and data analytics

Why Join?

Those who join us become part of a recognized global leader still willing to challenge the status quo to improve patient care. You will have access to the most cutting-edge technology, the largest data sets, the best analytics tools and, in our opinion, some of the finest minds in the Healthcare industry.

You can drive your career at IQVIA and choose the path that best defines your development and success. With exposure across diverse geographies, capabilities, and vast therapeutic and information and technology areas, you can seek opportunities to change and grow without boundaries.

We know that meaningful results require not only the right approach but also the right people. Regardless of your role, we invite you to reimagine healthcare with us. You will have the opportunity to play an important part in helping our clients drive healthcare forward and ultimately improve human health outcomes.

It's an exciting time to join and reimagine what's possible in healthcare.

Moving healthcare forward. Together.

IQVIA is a strong advocate of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We believe that a work environment that embraces diversity will give us a competitive advantage in the global marketplace and enhance our success. We believe that an inclusive and respectful workplace culture fosters a sense of belonging among our employees, builds a stronger team, and allows individual employees the opportunity to maximize their personal potential.

IQVIA is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and clinical research services to the life sciences industry. We believe in pushing the boundaries of human science and data science to make the biggest impact possible – to help our customers create a healthier world. Learn more at

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Senior Business Analyst / Global Data Client Services Analyst – Healthcare & Life Sciences
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