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Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI Paris chez Kapten

Our Data team is hiring !

Your mission? Being part of a business-oriented team and having two daily obsessions: make the numbers come alive and facilitate decision-making.

Your team? The Data Analytics team is a transversal team in charge of providing all the data vision necessary for the business: training in SQL for their autonomy, visualization, complex analyzes. The team provides the business with tools so that we can estimate the impact of the various promotional operations we launch. The team also in charge of understanding our users by categorizing them (clustering) or by explaining the conversion rate (machine learning). You will work with all the department of Kapten (ex-Chauffeur Privé): B2C, Supply, B2B, Product...

We are currently looking for 2 Data Analysts to strengthen the team !

What you’ll do:

Receiving business and operational questions from the team; Translating them into analytical questions; Creating relevant queries to answer these questions; And communicating your results impactfully

You will also have the opportunity to:

Participate in the maintenance and evolution of our datalake; Propose ideas for business evolution and implement them; Take part in operational decisions through brainstorming sessions; Participate in the evangelization of the different business teams in the world of data.

Examples of projects led by the team:

Evaluate and anticipate the impact of a marketing action Evaluate the carbon footprint of one of our B2B customers Analyze dispatch of reservations between drivers Analyze our churn rate (customer or driver) Build visual reporting on the company’s key metrics


Your profile

Bachelor or Master’s degree in engineering or related field, you have at least 2 years of experience in a similar position Fluency in English SQL knowledge required and previous experience with a data visualization tool would be a plus ( Python, Pandas, and Tableau).


What we offer:

Working towards solving several high challenges with a tech team of 70 people; Having the possibility of choosing your laptop: OS and IDE plus home office option (once a week); Evolving in a friendly and comfortable work environment: new offices with a 360° view on Paris, video games, ping pong, cafeteria... Having a healthy mind in a healthy body: fruit baskets delivered every week, yoga classes hosted... Learning to hate the subway: 100 euros of credits on your Kapten app per month

Nos références :

Découvrez les avis Glassdoor de vos futurs collaborateurs ici Un avant goût de la vie chez Kapten sur notre page LinkedIn
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Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI Paris
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