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Contenu de l'offre Global Data Privacy Manager chez KellyOCG

Global Data Privacy Manager

Shape, develop and implement this new organisation’s approach to data privacy. In this new role you will join a market leading global business at a key moment as it enters a major transition. Within this highly supportive international team your career will grow with the experience and expertise you will gain.

About the role:

Reporting into the Senior Counsel - Ethics, Compliance & Privacy (based in the US) you will be leading, developing, and executing all phases of their new global privacy program. Ensuring the identification and mitigation of data privacy risks, as well as achieving compliance with all applicable data privacy laws. With a wide remit you will also be supporting operational requests, incident management and reviewing vendor documents alongside:

Leading the application of frameworks, legal requirements, and standards (eg GDPR, ISO, etc.).
Monitoring changes in the global privacy and security landscape and advocating for changes in policy that support organizational privacy framework.
Creating external privacy notices and disclosures and managing internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with global laws.
Being the Data Privacy Officer or primary contact for supervisory authorities and individuals whose data is processed by the company, including for privacy-related regulatory inquiries.
Owning and developing the privacy-related training strategy and content, alongside some in-person training delivery.

The legal team are based in Nashville, so some travel to the US will be likely each year, with some possible additional travel to the main French site in Quimper along with other locations.

About you:

You will be naturally curious and excited by the opportunity to develop your career within global data privacy risk management and regulatory compliance. With expertise across multiple jurisdictions including GDPR and CCPA/CPRA, key to your success will be your ability to lead and deliver projects with a global strategy but local iterations. You will also have:

Led the design and implementation of a data privacy program.
Advised on privacy and data security issues in commercial agreements and transactions.
The ability to accommodate business and marketplace insights to advance the organization’s goals.
The capacity to make sense of complex, high quantity, and sometimes contradictory information to effectively solve problems.
A college, university, or equivalent degree in a related subject or relevant equivalent experience.
A CISSP / CIPP / CIPT certification or equivalent would be beneficial, but not essential.
This position may require licensing for compliance with export controls or sanctions regulations.

If you are interested in making an application, please read our Privacy Statement which explains how we use the information you provide to us -

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Global Data Privacy Manager
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