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Contenu de l'offre Head of Growth & Coordinator chez La relève

Description du poste

Our client was launched in August 2017 after a first-seed fundraising round of € 1.1 million, armed with a mission to empower artists and break national boundaries across the art market. Their day-to-day work consists of the promotion of talented artists from various countries (81 nationalities so far), to help them sell their work to international collectors.

As a fast-growing startup, they're increasing their business volume every month, as well as launching new projects to explore potential paths for growth and new ways to fulfill their missions. Exciting times!

To ensure that the founders can focus on big-picture developments and follow up with all explorations launched, our client is now on the hunt for someone to manage impactful projects and growth. They understand the implications of this job title are broad; consider the role as similar to a Chief of Staff - but for a small startup.

Your main role will consist of providing the founders with relevant insights, data and support to make sure they can leverage the team (16 staff members so far). This position should also compel you to suggest and transform ideas into business opportunities.

If you've always wanted to learn how an entrepreneur thinks and plans, if you'd like to make an impact everyday, and if you enjoy helping exciting projects grow, this role might be the perfect fit for you!

According to your skills and interests, different areas of required responsibilities could include:

Right-hand of the founder
Support the founder with the coordination of the Artist Liaison Team.
Help her organise various projects and launch new ones by yourself (Press/ Product/Partnerships/BtoB/General projects.)
Hunt down press opportunities in France/Germany/USA.
Build and nurture the brand in the online and offline world.

Growth Management and Marketing
Support the founder in charge of Marketing
Creation and optimization of search campaigns (the company is part of a Google training program.)
Open new marketing channels (press, radio, etc.)
Monitor SEO strategy.

Business Analyst
Track KPI.
Conduct deeper data analysis to provide the founders with further valuable insights.
Locate potential channels for growth or impactful projects to launch.

They are looking for a candidate with a brilliant profile who can help them reach their ambition to become the leading online platform for artists by 2020.

Committed to and invested in your job - you are ready to make an impact and work hard.
Eager to learn and strive for excellence - you want to end each day having learned something new.
Problem-solver - you see opportunities in problems and think creatively to find win-win solutions for every stakeholder.
Strong analytical skills.
Strong persuasive skills.
Ability to simultaneously manage different topics and projects (flexible multi-tasker.)
Strong communication skills.
The ability to work in a multicultural/multilingual environment.
Fluent in English.
You strongly believe in their mission and want to join them in empowering artists.
Additional appreciated attributes:

German native speaker.
Experience in online marketing campaigns.
Experience in staff management or HR.
Experience in the Luxury industry.
Cpf final 4

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Head of Growth & Coordinator
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