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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Manager H/F chez LaFourchette

Paris (75) Senior Data Manager @ TheFork

LaFourchette, part of the TripAdvisor group, is a pure player company and the European leader of online booking for restaurants. We are an innovative and fast-growing company building a unique community of members to transform the way people dine out! LaFourchette's goal is to become the #1 app for online restaurant booking in the world.

Why join us?

You are passionate about data and comfortable in an international and agile environment? You're ready for the challenge of a SaaS service for several thousand customers and B2C interfaces for millions of users? Are you ready to invest in a company whose entire service is subject to heavy use and is present in close to 20 countries, to accompany its rapid growth? You want to secure services that power the leader of online restaurant booking?

You will join a dynamic and agile team in a quickly changing environment. You will be involved in an international organization that empowers its employees, cares about their career and values sharing.

Job description

As a Senior Data Manager, you will supervise LaFourchette numerous data systems and organize, store and analyse company data as professionally and effectively as possible, while also safeguarding security and confidentiality standards.

You will report to the Data Product Manager and be part of the central data team composed of ~20 people, regrouping (as projected as of Today):

"Data Asset" departments, including Data Engineering team and Data Management team "Data activation" departments, including Data Insights team, Product Analytics Team, a BI factory and a Data Science team Your role will be to:
Create and enforce policies for effective data management Formulate techniques for quality data collection to ensure adequacy, accuracy and legitimacy of data Define and implement efficient and secure procedures for data handling and analysis with attention to all technical aspects Establish rules and procedures for data sharing with upper management, external stakeholders etc. Regularly monitor and evaluate information and data systems that could affect analytical results Guarantee adherence to legal and company regulations Ensure digital databases and archives are protected from security breaches and data losses Continually develop data management strategies. Troubleshoot data-related problems and authorize maintenance or modifications In the short term, you will also take part of a complex transformation of the Data Platform by setting up data management foundations (data model setup, data mapping, MDM, ..)

Who you are

5+ years of experience as a data manager Excellent understanding of data administration and management functions (collection, analysis, distribution etc.) Familiarity with modern databases, big data and information system technologies An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills Excellent communication and collaboration skills You speak English and French What do we offer?

Being part of hyper growth digital player, headquartered in Paris, with strong international presence and with a winning company culture - balance long-term perspective with accountability, leverage learning & innovation, increase internal cohesion, build a caring environment

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Senior Data Manager H/F
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