Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Stage - Business Analyst, TripAdvisor Restaurants H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Stage - Business Analyst, TripAdvisor Restaurants H/F chez LaFourchette

Paris (75) TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel site, is looking for a Sales Operations Intern to help scale his B2B business for the restaurant part.

Launched less than 2 years ago, this new business unit is driving the growth of Tripadvisor company, thanks to its huge market (49 markets, +4.5 million of listed restaurants and 150 million of monthly visitors) and his ambitious team based in Boston, Paris & Barcelona offices. We are currently launching new products for restaurants, opening new countries and recruiting massively to keep up with his quick development.

This position will be based in Paris, in Lafourchette headquarter, part of Tripadvisor, within the Global Sales Operation team. It is an exciting opportunity to join an international fast growing company in the food tech industry, with young and passionate people.


Overall, the Sales Operations team is in charge of running smoothly and continuously improving Sales operations in a scalable way, to increase sales revenue & productivity.

In relationship with Central and Local sales teams, you will have 3 main missions:

Operational Excellence Support the different Sales teams (acquisition and farming) in the daily operational processes such as leads assignment, discount campaign creation, bugs escalation… Proactively identify process inefficiencies to maximize operational efficiency in collaboration with Sales, Product & Marketing teams Assure the visibility and adoption of new processes and tools to central and local stakeholders Analytics Conduct ad hoc analysis to identify sales & processes improvement and help business stakeholders to take decisions Help building reporting to follow up on sales performances Project Management: Help implementing sales projects to improve tools, processes and have a direct impact on the business Based on local & central feedback, propose improvements to build the strategic roadmap in coordination with marketing & product teams REQUIREMENTS

Student from a top Business, Engineering School or University Data lover and good excel skills Problem solver, process and results oriented Communication skills to interact with various local and central stakeholders from different seniority levels Excellent organization & time management Humble and eager to learn Fluent in spoken and written English & French 1st experience in consulting or project management in a fast-paced and international environment would be a plus Previous experience with Salesforce is a plus Start date : January 2020 for 6 months


Great office located in the center of Paris (9th), with terraces & roof top Occasional trips to Barcelona and other offices Fast growing company in an international environment in the food tech industry Ping pong, baby foot, sport lessons, massages, after works... Fresh fruits & snacks every day #LI-BD1
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Stage - Business Analyst, TripAdvisor Restaurants H/F
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