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Business Analyst Trainee in the Innovation Department (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Trainee in the Innovation Department (H/F) chez Linxens

Within the R&D department, based in Levallois-Perret, you will be at the heart of the transversal coordination of innovation. You will support Linxens in its launch in the medical field : connected clothes & wearables, glucose meters, etc... and in sensors : biometrics, environmental... Your role will be to determine the needs of our various partners, in France and abroad, then to synthesize potential opportunities.

You will be trained on our current knowledge of the ecosystem developed by the team and will contribute to enriching our knowledge and opportunities base from public data and professional networks.

Within the framework of the development of new medical devices and new flexible sensors, your missions, from the beginning of 2021, will be :

To monitor innovative topics in these markets Detect, organize and conduct interviews with future partners Conduct opportunity studies Conduct innovative market analysis Participate in the formalization of the strategy and communication (summaries, presentations) Contribute to the management of our innovation platform

This list is not exhaustive, you will be able to improve it by using your personal talents.

You will report to the Director of Innovation and will work in a cross-functional team with the New Product Marketing team, the R&D innovation team and a Market Analyst and will interact with the Strategic Management of the Company in France and in our world-wide R&D sites (France, Germany, Holland, Singapore, Thailand). You will have daily international contacts with customers, suppliers and partners in new technologies, with research labs (France, Germany, UK, USA...) and with a booming network of startups, consultants and influencers.

Candidate Profile

Currently in Master 1 or 2 in business or engineering school, you are looking for an internship of 4 to 6 months.

You are very curious and always on the lookout for the environment and new technologies. You like strategy and market analysis. You have a taste for challenge and contact with internal teams (technical, marketing & strategy) and with external partners (customers, suppliers, influencers, research labs). You are fluent in English and master Excel and Powerpoint.

These are all qualities that will allow you to develop your skills during this internship, so join us!

Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst Trainee in the Innovation Department (H/F)
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