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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez LiveRamp

LiveRamp is the trusted platform that makes data accessible and meaningful. Our services power people-based customer experiences that improve the relevance of marketing and allow consumers to better connect with the brands and products they love. We thrive on solving the toughest technical and customer challenges, and we're always looking for smart, compassionate people to help us blaze a trail.

The LiveRamp Safe Haven empowers companies to compete with digital monopolies (Amazon, Google) by using modern technology to connect their customer data ecosystems. LiveRamp Safe Haven was recently launched to the public in March, 2020 into private beta. The Safe Haven Analytics product is in the early stages of development, but has tremendous potential and early traction from major retailers and CPG brands. We believe that the sky is the limit on this product.

Five years from now we will be known for creating the category of "Safe Havens" that enables controlled access to unique data assets necessary to understand the end-to-end customer journey, close the loop on measurement, and create superior customer experiences.


As a Data Analyst Senior for Safe Haven Analytics at LiveRamp, you must combine an understanding of the user and their needs with an in-depth comprehension of the technical details required to build successful Analytics products within a complex ecosystem.

You must recognize that the details matter on both sides of the business/technical divide. It is your job to drive the vision by building the business cases, work with Data engineers and Data scientists to get the feature developed.

You will:

Work in pairs with a junior Data Analyst from the company Create analyses and recommendations to respond to customer needs and questions Design and Monitor performance through dashboards (Tableau, Power BI) Analyse & find marketing insights (cross-id analysis, attribution, RFM, CRM segmentations)

About you:

You are graduate of a top engineering school or business school, with Data specialization You have at least 3+ years of experience in Retail or FMCG or Strategic Consulting You have a keen interest and knowledge of the Data world, Retail and FMCG issues. Strong interpersonal skills and proven ability to influence others You have an excellent command of Excel and a visualization tool (Tableau or Power Bi) Excellent level of English Excellent written, presentation, and verbal communication skills and demonstrated ability to work with executives Ability to build and defend business cases Type S(tartup) personality: smart, ethical, friendly, hard-working and proactive (no exceptions)
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