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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Data Analyst chez Luko

Description du poste

Luko is the fastest growing Insurance in Europe and France’s #1 Neo Insurance. Today, Luko's mission seems obvious: to transform insurance from an industry perceived as a necessary evil to a service that truly protects. Beyond the protection of individuals, insurance must serve society. It should be an ally to the planet and to its environmental issues. We believe that insurance must be simple, transparent and useful.Our obsession? Delivering an incredible insuree experience. Luko is not just about insuring, but also about preventing issues. We are building the best AI-powered technologies to avoid accidents in every European home.In 5 years, we have convinced over 300,000 users to trust us. We are backed by some of the most incredible VCs (EQT Ventures, Accel, Founders Fund, Speed Invest, Xavier Niel, etc.) and raised more than 70M€ in Series A&B.We are a team of 200+ ambitious & creative talents eager to reinvent an entire industry. We are looking for other impact-driven talents to scale Luko across Europe. We are committed to equal access to employment, inclusion and diversity within the teams.***Are you ready to join our journey?**At Luko, Lukooms’ forces are divided into 5 tribes, set up in a product-based organisation. Each tribe constitutes several cross-functional squads (product + engineering + design) and executes towards its own roadmap for customer and business impact.* *User Acquisition *tribe focuses on Luko’s growth via the acquisition of new customers.* *User Life *tribe maximises customer touchpoints by creating engagement opportunities. They are a home care partner guiding customers to the right solution.* *Moment of Truth *tribe aims at delighting our users throughout the whole life of their contract - claims included.* *Core **Insurance *tribe owns all the products and features in order to support Luko's Insurance activities, from regulation to tech.* *New Business *tribe focuses on launching new products, services and markets.Those tribes wouldn't be able to work without the data team, a cross-functional team (with analysts, engineers & machine learning engineers) whose mission is to supply Lukooms, stakeholders & customers, with trusted data and data services that are easy to use to unlock growth & quality of services.***Your mission in the team:** Design, implement and maintain the user-centric tracking plan along with Product Managersand developers* Define the right metrics to track product performance* Design, implement and analyse A/B tests with Product Managers* Proactively provide actionable insights to improve the product, create the new required features and define the product roadmap* Train business stakeholders so that they are autonomous in the usage of Product Data* Build and monitor dashboards to detect sub-optimal trends and anomalies***Must-haves:** 4+ years of experience in Product Data Analytics* Tracking knowledge & experience (stack, good practices, etc.)* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, rigour* Fluency in SQL* Knowledge of Statistics* Knowledge to design, implement and analyse A/B tests* Team player, at the intersection of many teams* Pro-activity, autonomy* Prioritisation with business owners* Ability to translate business needs into data analytics requirements***Nice to have:** Knowledge of Amplitude* Proficiency in a programming language (like Python)-* Swile voucher* Unlimited days off* Alan health insurance* One month second-parental leave* Childcare assistance * for mental health* Screening call with the hiring manager* Take-home case study* Debrief + 2 sessions : product / data* Lukofit interview with the people team Tracking, SQL, Data Analysis, Stakeholder ManagementSQL, A/B Testing, Data Analysis, Business Analysis, Tracking, Stakeholder Management

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Senior Product Data Analyst
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