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Talent Acquisition Manager - Tech

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager - Tech chez Malt

Did you notice the world of work is changing? Malt connects the best freelancers with the most exciting companies in Europe. We pride ourselves on offering a combination of AI and human powered sourcing that is 10x more efficient than the traditional players. Plus, we offer a simple secure payments process that provides peace of mind for both parties.
We are a tech company with a human approach. Everyday thousands of people come to Malt looking for choice, who to work with, when and how.
Malt in numbers: A community of 200,000 freelancers (the largest in Europe) 30,000 clients 32 million euros raised with ISAI, Serena and IDInvest 4 offices in Paris, Lyon, Madrid, Munich and Berlin Twice recognised by LinkedIn as one of the best start-ups to work at Over 200 Malters sharing one culture 50% of Malt Leaders are women, we are committed to equality and diversity
Join us and become part of the #NewWorkOrder.
Mission: Grow Malt with the best Tech Talents on the Market, while being a culture ambassador.
Your main challenges will be to:Engage with top talents in a competitive landscapeManage the recruitment process ensuring hiring managers and candidates get the best possible experienceHelp our employer brand shine online and offline
This includes:Using a multisourcing approach to find active and passive candidates (LinkedIn Recruiter, GitHub, Slack, etc)Assessing candidates via telephone, video calls, in-person meetings and case studiesAdvising internal managers on profiles and the talent market in generalRepresent Malt at events/ meetups/ conferencesUsing data appropriately, we are KPI driven team, you will follow rigorously your pipeline of candidates and make sure your candidate NPS is great Working at Malt
Today we are 200 Malters. Every Malter is responsible for upholding our values which impact how we work together and how we make talent decisions. Working at Malt means you can expect:
1 week general on boarding - Learn about our product, people and culture before diving into your new role with your team Malt academies – Internal experts give short courses on any topic Free books – If it’s work related we will buy the book for you, no approval process or fuss involved Annual off sites - Les Arcs, Amsterdam, Seville, Agadir… where next? ‍Remote working – We believe human connection is important, but sometimes it’s easier to just focus Karaoke – Almost since the beginning the team has been fans of Karaoke
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Talent Acquisition Manager - Tech
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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