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Business Analyst - McKinsey Digital

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst - McKinsey Digital chez McKinsey & Company

Business Analyst - McKinsey Digital

Master's degree in engineering, science or another technical or related field
2-3 years of post-university experience in technology and strategy related roles in a professional services, blue-chip industry or start up environment.
Combination of strong strategic and analytical abilities with a passion for technology
Proven track record of leadership in a work setting and/or through extracurricular activities
Outstanding track record of academic and professional achievements
Fluency in both English and French

You’ll join McKinsey Digital in our Paris office. This group brings together the best of McKinsey’s digital capabilities to help our clients use technology to transform their businesses. 
As part of this global team, you'll be working on everything from advanced analytics, agile, cloud, cybersecurity, digital marketing and organisation transformation.
You’ll typically work on projects across all industries and functions and will be fully integrated with the rest of our global firm.You’ll also work with colleagues from across McKinsey & Company to help our clients deliver breakthrough products, experiences, and businesses, both on technology and non-technology topics.
Our office culture is casual, fun and social, with an emphasis on education and innovation. We have the freedom to try new ideas, experiment and are expected to be constantly learning and growing. We put a strong emphasis on mentoring others in the group, enabling them to grow and learn.

You will work with C-suite executives, problem-solve on their key issues and provide actionable recommendations leveraging your technology know-how and business sense.
You will play an active role in all aspects of a client project, typically working in teams of 3 to 5 consultants alongside experts and partners of all tenures, including developers, designers, data engineers, agile coaches and others. 
This includes gathering and analyzing information, formulating and testing hypotheses, and developing and communicating recommendations for client presentations. You’ll also have the opportunity to present results to client management and advise on their implementation in collaboration with client team members. 
Our consultants receive exceptional training as well as frequent coaching and mentoring from colleagues on their teams. This support includes a Partner from your local office assigned to help you guide your career as well as several weeks of formal training. 
Additionally, you'll receive guidance and support from your local office or practice in the selection of client projects, helping you to develop your skills and build your network.

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Business Analyst - McKinsey Digital
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