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EssenceMediacom I Global media data analyst

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Contenu de l'offre EssenceMediacom I Global media data analyst chez MediaCom

EssenceMediacom I Global media data analyst


Essencemediacom is Richemont’s global media partner, bringing together the online and offline eco-systems of luxury publishers to create seamless, agnostic partnerships across channel in a premium communication environment.

The Opportunity 

The world of luxury is experiencing significant changes due to fluctuating macroeconomics, a changing clientele and emerging paths to purchase fuelled by an evolving digital landscape. For these reasons, Richemont appointed Essencemediacom in 2017 to help deliver profitable and sustainable growth Richemont brands deserve. With your help, Essencemediacom’s transformative approach will redefine Richemont communications, evolving the ways of the past and building on today to achieve new levels of excellence.

The role 

- Data and Tech

·Extract & organize data from any ad tech platform / client database / competitive tool

·Analyze media performance data to generate actionable insights & recommendations

·Identify behavioral insights allowing to inform strategic & creative approach

·Analytics: guide activation teams in terms of defining the most relevant measurement plan that will lead to business efficiency measurement

·Media performance dashboard: participate to build relevant media performance views into Cartier Media performance dashboard and educate markets into using it

·Analyze efficiency of audience/data use cases at global level

·Deliver various trainings to local teams

·Collaborate with main media partners to push for more access to innovation and ensure the best use of innovative solutions is done for Cartier

·Deploying Richemont group digital initiatives & processes hand in hand with Richemont counterpart

·Integrate with broader Essencemediacom and WPP teams to leverage tools to drive success

- Client and Agency Management

·Identify areas of growth opportunities (or limitations) that exists based on audience and tools, and generates business plans for their development.

·Work with all media, tech, data, measurement and creative teams to expand our ideas to suggest to the client

·Optimizing/improving ways of working with the Agency/client including data and tech

·Ensures the media KPI measurement framework is aligned and all sources are well interconnected and ready to be analyzed

·Develop roadmap and long-term vision (for data and tech strategic project)


Essencemediacom handles the media planning and buying for some of the world's smartest advertisers. Supported by keen consumer insight, analysis and experience, we are part of the largest media planning and buying network in the world.

We believe that everything is connected.  And that means a media agency has to think and operate in an entirely new way. We transform client communications through systems thinking. 
Systems thinking is how we make sense of our clients’ communications systems, where we work to optimise the system as a whole and not just the individual components. 

The Essencemediacom network comprises of over 6,700 people working in 125 offices in 90 markets around the world. We are proud to call some of the world's most successful brands as clients, including Mars, Sony, Danone, Google, Shell, and The Coca-Cola Company. We know that our people are our greatest asset in making us a number one agency and so we make sure our employees are rewarded and looked after in terms of career growth, social life and personal welfare.

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EssenceMediacom I Global media data analyst
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