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Global Media Buyer / Acheteur Médias Display F/H - CDI

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Contenu de l'offre Global Media Buyer / Acheteur Médias Display F/H - CDI chez MediaCom

Global Media Buyer / Acheteur Médias Display F/H - CDI


About Us : ð

EssenceMediacom handles the media planning and buying for some of the world's smartest advertisers. Supported by keen consumer insight, analysis and experience, we are part of the largest media planning and buying network in the world.

We believe that everything is connected. And that means a media agency has to think and operate in an entirely newway. We transform client communications through systems thinking. Systems thinking is how we make sense of our clients’ communications systems, where we work to optimise the system as a whole and not just the individual components.

The EssenceMediacom network comprises of over 6,700 people working in 125 offices in 90 markets around the world. We are proud to call some of the world's most successful brands as clients, including Richemont, Mars, Sony, Shell, and The Coca-Cola Company. We know that our people are our greatest asset in making us a number one agency and so we make sure our employees are rewarded and looked after in terms of career growth, social life and personal welfare.

Position : ð

Attached to the trading manager, you will have as missions :

Media implementational planning & buying ( from media recommendation to reporting)
Develop and present Press & Display-Video Media recommendations
Press & Display-video Media planning : evaluate and select media vendors that best address different campaign objectives
Trafficking & Tracking process follow-up / tools implementation
Campaign management : optimization, reporting
Analyze results and summarize performance in Post-campaign reviews
Act as main point of contact to drive Programmatic experts and publishers for Special Operations (360 mixing Press and digital)
Develop 360 operations
Negotiation with vendors
Administrative & invoicing follow up

Profile : ð

Experience required: At least 2 years experience in this position in media Agency or in a company
Technical skills : Fluent Business English, Microsoft Office suite, strong analytical skills, and demonstrated oral and written communication abilities. Print experience well appreciated
Soft skills : Excellent interpersonal skills Rigorous, Curious and eager to learn, flexible, adaptable and interest for Luxury sector.

What we offer : ð

A unique professional experience within a renowned media agency, where you can acquire valuable skills and develop your professional network.
The opportunity to work with high-profile clients and contribute to the creation of large-scale advertising campaigns.
2 days telecommuting per week.
A new campus in Levallois-Perret, bringing together all WPP agencies (GroupM and its sisters) at the terminus of line 3!
A Works Council that works in the interests and well-being of our employees (e.g. reduced-price cinema tickets, end-of-year gift vouchers, participation in cultural and sporting activities).
Encourage "soft" modes of transport for your home-to-work journeys with the introduction of the Forfait Mobilité Durable (sustainable mobility package).

Recruitment process: ð

The talent team contacts you for an initial interview.
You will then have 2 interviews with the global trading team.

About GroupM by WPP:

GroupM is the world's leading media buying and consulting firm, dedicated to helping advertisers promote their brands.

GroupM is present in 80 countries through international networks and works with renowned clients in a wide range of sectors such as luxury, automotive, consumer products, services, etc.

In France, GroupM is present through the following agencies: KR Wavemaker, MediaCom, Mindshare, Neo, Keyade and Essence (1000 employees).

Joining GroupM means sharing our commitment to innovation, ethics and transparency. It means benefiting from a collaborative and learning culture. It also means enjoying a privileged working environment.

WPP is committed to diversity. All our positions are open to disabled workers.

Cpf final 4

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Global Media Buyer / Acheteur Médias Display F/H - CDI
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