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Contenu de l'offre BI & Data Analyst chez Medline Europe

Medline’s IT team works daily to provide innovative solutions to our internal and external customers, with the goal that these solutions will differentiate us from the competition. We are seeking a full-time BI & Data Analyst who has experience with various reporting tools and conducting analyses, and would enjoy playing a key role in helping us become a more data-driven organisation. The successful candidate will be able to seamlessly communicate with business stakeholders, converting requests and business needs into BI and analytics solutions. Through collecting and analysing data and by creating reports and dashboards, you will be central in helping the company further realise its goals. This role can be based in our European headquarters in Arnhem, the Netherlands, or in any of our other European locations (including France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Spain and Slovakia).


Help us build our ‘Next-Generation Data Platform’ that will help Medline gain a competitive advantage by enhancing our analytics and fact-based decision-making capabilities.

Be a vital part of our data democratisation journey.

Understand and convert business requirements into BI technical solutions.

Work with our basic and advanced business users to improve their BI and analytics knowledge and help them become more self-sufficient.

Effectively communicate insights to your team, management and business stakeholders.

Contribute to and follow the BI and analytics standards and guidelines.

Job requirements

Bachelor’s degree or higher

3 to 5 years of work experience

Ambitious, motivated and able to perform in a fast-paced work environment

Good analytical and problem-solving skills

Good communication skills

Strong team player with the ability to influence others

Proactive and actively seeks contact with stakeholders

Results-driven with a can-do attitude

Strong presentation and training skills

Excellent English skills (written and spoken)

In-depth data modelling knowledge

Hands-on experience with Power BI, tabular modelling and back-end development in Microsoft SQL Server; MicroStrategy experience is advantageous

Ability to work agilely and experience with refining and estimating tasks are advantageous

Our offer

Comprehensive onboarding by experienced colleagues - An individually tailored onboarding plan and fixed contacts so you can be off to a great start

Company pension plan - We increase our contributions to your pension plan throughout your employment because setting you up for a successful retirement is important to us

26 days of vacation - Because we also focus on personal development

Modern workplace - Our workspace has been recently renovated

A wide range of training opportunities - We actively support you in your development

Fresh fruit, free coffee, subsidised lunch - So that your physical well-being is taken care of

Employee Assistance Programme - So that your mental well-being is taken care of

Flexible working options - To make your work flexible and productive

Additional insurances - To take care of you and your family members

Apply now!

Are you interested in being a part of our journey? Please send your résumé and cover letter to Caroline Westhuis at

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