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Contenu de l'offre Growth Traffic Manager H/F chez Meero

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Meero's core mission is to empower photographers to focus on what they love : photography ! We take care of the REST by relying on tech and AI.

Started in 2016, Meero is on a mission to make life easier for photographers and customers alike by bringing the top-name brands directly to image creators all the while expediting all of the tedious work. From its state-of-the-art image editing technology to our teams positioned around the world, Meero is helping creators do what they do best : create.

Meero is always looking to add fresh new talents in an already amazing team. Have a look if you needed more reasons to become a Meeronaut :

Check out this new position :

We are currently hiring a Growth traffic Manager who will BE responsible for delivering effective marketing campaigns that will drive the adoption and engagement of our AI based products. This is a cross-functional role that works closely with the sales teams, product teams, and account management teams to conceptualise, test and launch campaigns that will increase adoption, usage, traffic, and ultimately profitability and revenues.


As a Growth traffic Manager, your responsibilities will include :

Define & continuously improve the marketing strategy of our SaaS products (20%) :
- Work closely with other teams (sales, product, customer success...) to understand challenges & brainstorm on possible solutions
- Structure an action plan to achieve the marketing team targets : levers to boost adoption rates, brand awareness (ex : digital marketing, gamification, new growth channels, content development & optimization...)

Roll-out the marketing strategy (40%) :
- Planning, testing and executing initiatives to reach the target audience through different channels
- Identifying, developing & optimising growth channels to drive product adoption and usage growth
- Analysing marketing data and user feedback (campaign results, conversion rates, traffic, etc.) to help shape future marketing strategies

Set-up marketing tools (20%) :
- Create a marketing toolkit : a database of content (visual & text) ready-to-use for both Meero-driven & client-driven marketing campaigns, as well as a set of best practices
- Set-up and leverage all the tools at your disposal (CRM & others)
- Identify key KPIs to track & monitor dashboards

Management of the Growth & Sales Hacker (20%) :
- Coordinate tasks & projects to make sure that projects are moving forward on time, workload is optimal & priorities are clear
- Coach your team member to help her get new skills and grow in her role

- 2-3 years experience in a growth hacking/marketing role
- Proven track record launching successful marketing acquisition campaigns
- Excellent analytical skills and ability to leverage data, metrics, analytics, and consumer behaviour trends to generate creative ideas
- Original/creative thinking and strong problem solving skills
- Excellent communication skills and full fluency in English
- Collaborative mindset

- Interview with a member of our Talent Acquisition Team
- Interview with our Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
- Use case
- Case study discussion with the CRO
- Welcome on board !


Dream big and do bigger - Dreaming big is step one, but we don't stop there. By realizing our ideas at
a global scale, we can transform the industry with new tools, processes, and opportunities.
Make work play - Work should never BE boring. Bold ideas and big laughs make everyday exciting, so we never get complacent. We are a family that loves each other, pushes each other, and laughs with each other.
Champion creators - Creatives are the architects of our visual world. We work tirelessly to support their skills and business, so they can feel inspired to create.
Rise faster than you fail - We celebrate resilience in the face of failure. We truly support one other, so we're free to fall, but quick to get up and try again.
Give a shit - Success doesn't happen by accident. We work with focus, determination, and pride towards our goals. We care deeply about each other, our clients, creatives, and our impact on the world.
Cpf final 4

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