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User Acquisition Manager (Affiliation)

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Contenu de l'offre User Acquisition Manager (Affiliation) chez Meetic Group

Paris (75) Job Description

Reporting to the Head of Affiliates and Partnerships Europe, you will be in charge of the following missions:

Actively lead & grow online marketing channels (affiliates and partners) across a portfolio of brands and markets. Propose and plan new business development strategies for growing dating brands Optimise campaigns based on performance marketing techniques with a strong focus on ROI

Specific Responsibility

50% business development; 50% direct marketing acquisition and optimisation Responsible to deliver the acquisition KPIs on a weekly and monthly basis with a performance marketing approach Track campaign performance daily through various tools, including but not limited to affiliate platforms, internal BI systems, and Excel dashboards Communicate often with affiliates and networks regarding campaign performance as well as strategize for new growth opportunities Efficiently grow affiliates and develop business growth through affiliate networks, innovative direct partnerships, promotions or offers, etc Development of tools / tracking with the acquisition support team Lead existing and develop new partnerships with a ROI focus, focusing with cross functions (Meetic chat bot) and keeping in mind product developments Work on monthly media plans, strategy to launch new brands/segments/markets Collaborate with the Display team / designers to harmonise all affiliate creatives with performance in mind Understand or be willing to learn about the sign-up funnel and how to optimise all the touchpoints

Numerical and highly analytical as well as very strong communication skills VERY strong Excel skills (VLOOKUP, Pivot Tables, etc) – Must be comfortable handling large datasets on a daily basis to track performance Solution-oriented and flexible – if there is a problem, you look for ways to fix it!

- Culturally - enjoys working in a fast moving, vibrant environment

Passionate about our business and online marketing, naturally inquisitive Extensive experience with affiliate networks or as an affiliate is a major plus Ability to build/manage/leverage strong industry relationships Excellent written and verbal communication skills, high proficiency in English and in French, German is a plus


- 3-4 years’ experience in high performance online mkt role, DR/acquisition focused - focusing on AFF networks / Direct management of partners

Analytical & ROI focused, with a strong commercial acumen and negotiation skills Business development experience Proven record in delivering successful DR/performance marketing campaigns
Additional Information

Travels on an ad hoc basis to meet the local agencies.

Cpf final 4

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User Acquisition Manager (Affiliation)
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