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Business Analyst Portal Client

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Portal Client chez Merieux NutriSciences

Business Analyst Portal Client



Mérieux NutriSciences is a solution provider dedicated to preventing health risks related to food and to the use of everyday products. Offering a wide range of testing and consulting services, our teams are committed to providing our clients with accurate results, delivered on time, with uncompromising ethics, honesty and personal integrity.

Our motto: "More than a successful business, we are building a healthier world".

Do you want to be a part of it?


We are looking for a Business Analyst Portal Client

Within the Global IT Applications Department, you join a team of 15 people and are involved in the global launch of Portal Client. You ensure that the new solutions will constitute a core model answering Mérieux NutriSciences’ global requirements for all business domains.

Your main missions are:

Define the Global Business requirements and Core model for each domain:

Gather the needs, ensure surveys and site visits,
Organize and facilitate the workshops,
Document the requirements,
Build gap analysis, and close gaps,
Communicate the Core model within the Group.

Lead some missions in the design step of the application: Coordinate one workstream, write user stories and business specifications in coordination with super users
Organize weekly workstream meeting and workshops with super users and review with business sponsors
Draft regular reports
Work with the technical expert (internal IT services and consultants) and integration team on application design, interpret business needs and translate them into application and operational requirements, Organize the test of the solution,
Contribute to the master data preparation,
Contribute to the preparation of the Go-live in the pilot entities,
Ensure training of super-users on the new system.
Participate in the deployment of the Core model for each Customer Care and Sales business in all entities


You have:

Good experience skills in project management in Customer Care, Sales or any other business domains to provide recommendations to the project and track record in project management. Advanced knowledge in applications are more than appreciated. Strong leadership and assertiveness in order to lead people involved through change and new initiatives Robust innovative problem solving skills to work through complex problems Exceptional interpersonal skills and a collaborative style to effectively motivate people to achieve results within time constraints.

You are fluent in French and English, a third language would be a plus.


You will join a company with an inspiring mission. With us, you could learn and develop yourself in a collaborative, empowering, dynamic and challenging environment. Entrepreneurship and improving public health are part of our DNA.

Join us and contribute to a meaningful Project!

To apply please click on 'Apply now' button

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Business Analyst Portal Client
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