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Contenu de l'offre SEA Manager France (x/f/m) chez MYCS


You are responsible for planning, implementing and optimising our Google Adwords and Bing campaigns for french-speaking areas (France, Switzerland). You plan, steer and optimise SEA campaigns with respect to budget and target KPIs in our markets France and Switzerland, taking in account cultural and country-specific characteristics. You constantly analyse the performance and come up with optimisation strategies. You are responsible for the end-to-end journey optimisation of a SEA user, from writing ad copies to requesting Product improvements. You are actively exploring other Marketing channels for growth. You work hands-on with the whole marketing team to implement a global marketing strategy.


You gained already relevant working experience in SEA, ideally in an agency. You master AdWords, Bing Ads and other Bid Management tools, with experience of YouTube ads, display and retargeting. You have a deep understanding of Google Analytics as well as Microsoft Excel. You have excellent communication skills and the ability to prioritise your workload to meet deadlines. You think analytically, work highly focused and well structured. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity and a hands-on mentality. You speak French on a native level and are fluent in English.


Work from where you feel most comfortable (from home, in our Showroom in Paris or in our office in Nice or Berlin) Collaborate with a technically outstanding and dedicated international team. Take responsibility for exciting tasks and develop further on a professional and personal level. Participate in regular events with an individual budget at each team’s disposal. Take part in the success story of a fast-growing company and contribute your ideas in its further development. Enjoy free snacks, drinks and a full fridge. Get your own customised furniture through generous employee discounts. Shape your own day of work through a commitment to work-life balance with flexible working hours and models. Work in Self-Management, a set-up where power is distributed throughout the organisation, giving autonomy and freedom to self-manage. Apply for this position


MYCS means creating furniture you love - exactly the way you want it!
All our products are customisable via a photorealistic, real-time 3D customisation tool. With this tool, MYCS is not only revolutionising e-commerce but is also turning the furniture market upside-down. MYCS has been expanding rapidly since its launch in 2015. To further advance our mission "make customisation the new normal," we are looking for enthusiastic and passionate talents who are happy to take on responsibility. At MYCS everyone has the opportunity to realise their own ideas and really make an impact.
Join our international team to shape the future of the furniture market!

Apply for this position

Cpf final 4

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SEA Manager France (x/f/m)
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