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Contenu de l'offre Business Intelligence Analyst chez National Pen

Business Intelligence Analyst

Job Title: Business Intelligence Analyst

Report to: Global Customer Intelligence Unit

Location: Bordeaux, France

Overview of Role:

We are looking for people like us; hardworking, motivated, driven and of course fun! This is an exciting opportunity for a motivated BI Analyst to be part of National Pen’s Customer Intelligence team – a multi-disciplinary task force driving profitable growth leveraging data / BI products in a dynamic, fast paced, global organization. The successful candidate will have a solid work experience coupled with some Business Intelligence background and should be comfortable working on their own, or as part of a larger group to deliver best in class data products.

What you will do:

Create, maintain, automate and enhance existing data products to optimise operational business performance.
Collaborate to the design, the development, the test and the implementation of new Business Intelligence content in collaboration with Customer Intelligence team, stakeholders, technical and business colleagues located in our international offices
Create and automate data flows to improve the data quality used by the report.
Perform analysis for a wide range of requests, using data in different formats and from various platforms, and identify customer trends / profiles / behaviour
Constantly provide recommendations to improve system functionality and processes within the Business Intelligence/ Data environment.

What we need from you:

Degree or proven experience in Computer Science or a related technical field
Some work experience in Business Intelligence role
A rigorous, organized and analytical mind
Experience with SQL and experience with working across different database platforms.
Experience with BI tools, preferably Looker and SAS.
Data preparation and data visualization expertise
A passion for delivering high quality work
A team player with strong analytic, communication & stakeholder relationship management skills
Ability to communicate findings, orally and visually, to a variety of audiences
Very good level in English

About National Pen

National Pen’s personalized promotional products are created for and inspired by small businesses. With more than 50 years of experience and serving 23 countries worldwide, National Pen provides personalized marketing solutions that help businesses connect with their customers through a personal brand experience. National Pen offers a broad range of personalized promotional products, including writing instruments, stationery, drinkware, bags, gifts, and trade show accessories, and operates via a network of more than 10 facilities across North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

To learn more, visit:

National Pen is a Cimpress brand (Nasdaq: CMPR).

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Business Intelligence Analyst
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