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Master Data Management Technical Lead

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Contenu de l'offre Master Data Management Technical Lead chez Next Ventures

Master Data Management Technical Lead

My client, who is in the pharmaceutical sector is seeking a highly skilled and experienced Master Data Management Technical Lead with a strong background in Informatica MDM.

This is a freelance position and continue until at least the end of the year. This will be a hybrid position with travel to Gentilly once a month. You need to speak both French and English fluently!

As an MDM Lead, you will play a crucial role in implementing SAAS solutions and ensuring the integrity and efficiency of our Master Data Management processes.

Key Responsibilities:

Utilize your 12 years of experience in MDM to design and build MDM data models, ensuring accuracy and completeness of data.
Employ your expertise in Informatica MDM to implement SAAS solutions, leveraging its functionalities and capabilities.
Take charge of designing and building MDM match and merge processes, ensuring efficient data consolidation and elimination of duplicates.
Develop and implement relationships and hierarchies within the MDM system, enabling a comprehensive view of data relationships and structures.
Design and build workflows to streamline MDM processes and enhance data governance and stewardship.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to understand and address business requirements and objectives.
Demonstrate your domain expertise by having worked in any two of the following areas: Product, Study, and Project domains.
Possess fluency in French language to facilitate effective communication in our bilingual work environment.


Proven track record of at least 12 years of experience in MDM, with hands-on experience in Informatica MDM.
Extensive knowledge and expertise in implementing SAAS solutions using Informatica MDM.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to design and build complex data models and workflows.
Proficiency in designing and building MDM match and merge processes.
Experience in designing relationships and hierarchies within an MDM system.
Prior experience in working with at least two of the following domains: Product, Study, and Project.
Excellent communication skills in both English and French, with the ability to converse fluently in French.

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