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Contenu de l'offre DATA PROTECTION PROJECT MANAGER (F/M) chez Novares Group


Based in France, Novares is a global supplier of plastic solutions that designs and manufactures complex components and systems that serve the future of the automotive industry.The company creates and produces advanced automotive solutions with technical plastic injection for greener, lighter and connected cars with intelligent and intuitive interfaces for all passengers.

Novares co-develops and provides engineering and manufacturing expertise to virtually every OEM in the world and many Tier 1 companies in the automotive market.

Novares, which is behind the construction of one in three vehicles in the world, achieved a turnover of 1.1 billion euros in 2021, thanks to its presence in 22 countries, its 40 manufacturing plants, its 7 centers of expertise, its 7 technical centers and 20 customer service centers around the world to partner with customers.

We are looking for DATA PROTECTION PROJECT MANAGER (F/M) for a mission (8 to 9 months). The position will report to the Group Compensation & Benefits Senior Manager, the internal referent for GDPR and will be based in Vélizy-Villacoublay (78).

Main responsibilities:

Based on legal requirements and former audits, defines the Group's GDPR compliance strategy (HR, Purchasing, IT domains)
Monitor the deployment of the Group macro-action plans
Implement directly some necessary measures and action plans
Establish a continuous GDPR audit process for data processing
Inform, raise awareness, and promote a "personal data protection" culture by leading actions aimed at educating the Management and employees
Provide regular reporting on ongoing actions.

Ideal candidate:

Master’s degree (BAC+5) in DATA or/and IT law or/and management of risk
Proven experience in personal data protection and compliance risk management of personal data processing
Strong experience in project management and change management
Proficiency in audit techniques and risk and impact analysis methodologies (data analysis, procedure writing, conducting audits, contributing to the design of training actions)
Capacity to communicate with Managers and Top Executive
Fluent in English

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