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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez Nuxeo


As a passionate and fast-growing company, we are looking for a Talent Acquisition Manager to join our offices in Paris, for a temporary position, covering maternity leave, from May 2, 2019 to January 30, 2020.

You will play a key role, alongside the HR Department, in recruiting, mobilizing and unifying our teams. You will also optimize our recruitment strategy and processes by benchmarking good practices and measuring key performance indicators.

In an international environment, your scope will cover recruitment in EMEA, as well as the HR and administrative processes for our workforce based in France (nearly 60 people). You will help the Nuxeo team to grow quickly.

Responsibilities you will have:

Recruitment :

We recruit all types of profiles, but mainly technical (software engineers) and in different countries (France, UK & Portugal). You will be in charge of the entire recruitment process in these European countries, including but not limited to:

Identifying specific recruitment needs with managers Targeting the relevant channels, broadcasting and following up announcements for employment opportunities Sourcing, qualifying and selecting profiles, organizing interviews with operational staff Establishing regular reports on application statuses Organizing and participating in innovative recruitment projects

HR Management & Onboarding:

Once the candidate is recruited, the mission does not stop there. An employee’s proper integration in the company is extremely important and his/her first few days are crucial.

You will need to:

Manage the new employee’s integration in the company and ensure a smooth transition during his/her first few days/weeks Generally participate in the administrative management of staff for our French employees Develop a skills management policy and implement training plans, with full respect to available funds and the allocated budget. Ensure that all internal policies and local laws are fully respected.

Skills and qualities we are looking for:

You’re looking to join a dynamic, fast-growing company, participate in exciting challenges often building from the ground up, and leverage your interpersonal talents and skills in a multicultural environment.

You have:

Strong experience, with 5 years in recruitment, more specifically for IT profiles, or as a Recruitment Manager in a company in the IT sector. A knowledge of the IT sector is essential for this position. Recognition for your interpersonal skills, your sense of service and your diplomacy; you have excellent listening skills and a very operational vision of your profession. Curiosity, commitment and energy, which will allow you to succeed in this position. A native or bilingual level in English and French, essential for this position. A great sense of humor and like to have fun at work.

In an ideal world, you will:

Be reactive and work in a challenging world. Your ability to work both independently and as a team will also be appreciated. Have a lively and enthusiastic spirit. Your excellent interpersonal skills and your open mind will enable you to communicate effectively with your peers and understand their expectations.

Job Type: Contract


Recruiting: 5 years (Required)


english (Required)
Cpf final 4

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Talent Acquisition Manager
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