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Contenu de l'offre Growth Hacker chez Odopass

Rennes (35)

Odopass offers a digital maintenance logbook and car insurance to all individuals who own a used car. The Odopass app allows you to track and follow the history of your car since it was first serviced. The user can archive all his invoices, easily manage his car budget, receive alerts for his next maintenance, and share his history with a future buyer or a service center.

Odopass innovates by offering car insurance with an additional discount calculated on the history of your car. In France, more than one in five used vehicle buyers are victims of odometer fraud, hidden defects following an accident, or simply irregular maintenance.

Odopass is a free service that keeps the complete car history and facilitates the transfer of the maintenance logbook during a transaction. Odopass insurance takes into account the car history to offer a discount in addition to the traditional driver's bonus/malus.

Description du poste

We want to grow quickly and we are looking for a Growth Hacker.

From the data and content, you will be in charge of identifying, analyzing, optimizing and implementing growth drivers. You will work in collaboration with the Product, Tech and Sales Teams.

You will have the following tasks:

You will define and manage on-site and off-site SEO strategies (SemRush, Google Search Console, etc.) You will create, manage and supervise paid traffic acquisition campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) You will coordinate lead generation campaigns (partners, comparison websites, affiliation, etc.) You will design automation marketing campaigns (Intercom, Zendesk, Autopilot, Sendgrid, Twillio, OneSignal, etc.) You will report and analyze the performance of the site, application and marketing campaigns (Promoter, Amplitude, Google Analytics, FullStory, etc.) You will configure the automation platforms (Segment, Zapier, Integromat, etc.) You will set up dashboards and report KPIs (marketing, product, revenue, etc.)

Profil recherché

The following concepts hold no secrets for you: user funnel acquisition, activation, engagement, retention, churn, A/B testing.

You are familiar with analytical tools such as Google Analytics, Amplitude or Mixpanel You are creative, proactive, able to set up hacks quickly You are motivated to work in a fast-growing startup and in an international environment You are perfectly comfortable talking on the phone in English


You have experience with a BtoC website/app with large audience You have JavaScript knowledge to develop hacks You know how to query SQL databases to analyse and configure analytical tools

Place of work: Rennes or remotely


Meal vouchers Health insurance Disability insurance

We focus on success, which is an important value of Odopass. If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone, learn from others and teach others something new, join us!

We value honest effort people put in their work, professional development and growth. Oh, and we love running and staying active so you will be very welcome to join us for a lovely run.

Cpf final 4

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