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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Manager M/F chez Oetker Collection

The Masterpiece Destination

Position Profile

The main functions of the E-Commerce Manager:

Develops the strategic plan including targeted actions and budget planning Develop the portfolio of press contacts (journalists and influencers) as well as the continuity of the relationship Hosting of press and influencer trips and inspection visits (organisation and support) Drafting documents for our marketing and communication materials (press releases, brochures and flyers, etc.) and supervising translations Communication monitoring - all media (press, web, social networks...) Management of photo, video and drone footage (organisation and support of filming teams) Updating of our communication tools such as the rooms directory, TV Media, photo library, etc Labels and awards: in charge of the observation and of the candidacy files Social networks and web: Develops and manages daily publications on social networks Define a specific strategy for each network Builds relationships and trust with our communities Ensures the qualitative expansion of our community Increases visibility and traffic to our establishments through the creation of viral content Ensures the creation and consistency of the content (photos and videos) distributed on social networks in accordance with the brand's editorial charter and the digital strategy Is a driving force behind new development possibilities
Essential Skills

Knowledge of the luxury hotel market Knowledge of the professional press and journalistic environment Knowledge of the social networking environment Knowledge of : Photoshop, Indesign, Adobe Premiere Pro or imovie Technical Knowledge of Webmaster
General culture (lifestyle, geography, international news) Professional maturity or equivalent 3 year of Experience in a similar position Honesty, autonomy, courtesy, creativity, excellent presentation, dynamism, team spirit, flexibility, proactive, organised, curious, innovative, well educated, leadership skills.
What's In It For You!

Play your part in Capri history!

Join the Team at Hotel La Palma now Opening Summer 2022!


Hotel La Palma promises to be one of the world’s most exciting hotels to work at with benefits including, but not limited to, the following:

Seasonal contracts, starting from May 2022, will be guaranteed for a minimum of 6 months of full-time employment
Excellent compensationFirst class staff accommodationsMonthly ferry passes for team members not living in CapriHealthy and delicious mealsExcellent learning and development opportunitiesOpportunity to transfer to other Masterpiece Hotels

Casting Call for all superstars from the Campania Region!
Cpf final 4

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E-Commerce Manager M/F
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