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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Manager chez OSF Digital

The eCommerce Analyst is responsible to conduct wide range of analyses, based on which improvement strategies will be developed. In this role, you will be driving the strategy and the optimal approaches for a successful digital performance in close collaboration with the customers focusing mainly on optimizing the online experience. Additional responsibilities include:

With a data-centric approach to e-commerce, identify gaps on customers’ sites not limited to usability, inventory, accessibility, errors and latency.Conduct wide range of analyses, both quantitative and qualitative, make recommendations, and take actions that drive the businessImplement full-site tagging plans in Google Analytics via Tag manage. Monitor and report the success and failures of strategies and platforms, using this and other toolsGather input to forecast demand/inventory and monitor and respond to product availabilityProvide and analyze e-commerce reportsPlan and develop strategies to continuously improve and optimize the online experienceCommunicate effectively with stakeholders (sales, marketing, product, technology, operations, etc.)


Bachelor’s or post-secondary degree3-5 years of applied e-commerce experienceResults driven and motivated individual who takes initiative, with strong analytical skillsAdvanced knowledge of Google Suite required (Analytics, Tag Manager, Search Console, Merchant Center, AdWords)Well-developed interpersonal and communication skillsProven ability to build consensus and work effectively within a cross-departmental teamA thoughtful and analytical approach with an ability to collaborate cross-functionally with technical team members and other departments.Self-starter with an entrepreneurial mentalityHave the ability to work under pressureWorking knowledge of how eCommerce performance marketing work (search, display, retargeting)

Type d'emploi : Temps plein

Avantages :

Horaires flexiblesParticipation au TransportTravail à Distance

Horaires :

Du Lundi au VendrediHoraires flexiblesTravail en journée


Commercial: 1 an (Souhaité)



Précautions contre le COVID-19:

Processus de recrutement à distanceEntretiens virtuels
Cpf final 4

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E-Commerce Manager
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