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Business Analyst, Headquarters

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst, Headquarters chez Pernod Ricard


No. 2 worldwide in wines and spirits , Pernod Ricard has a portfolio of 14 strategic brands (Absolut Vodka, Havana Club, Beefeater, Mumm, Chivas, Jameson, etc.). With a turnover of 9.2 billion euros, the Group listed on the CAC 40 index operates in more than 85 subsidiaries and 100 production sites and has nearly 19,000 employees.


Reporting to the Business Analyst Manager at Pernod Ricard Headquarters, you will be a Business Analyst within a team of 5 people in a multi-company environment. The team is in charge of reporting and analysis of results and cash flow for Pernod Ricard SA, Pernod Ricard Finance, Pernod Ricard EMEA headquarters and Pernod Ricard La Voisine (seminar centre) in the closing, estimation and budget phases.

Roles and responsibilities:

You will be the key contact in the monitoring and development of Pernod Ricard La Voisine. You will be in charge of the site management control : production of reports on all management phases, analysis of turnover and costs, reporting of the phases required by the Group. You will be the link between the operator, the CEO of Pernod Ricard University and Pernod Ricard's headquarters in all aspects. You will be the leader in Group re-invoicing issues: training of operational staff, control of management data, establishment of management fees for the two companies Pernod Ricard SA and Pernod Ricard EMEA, accounting and tax reconciliations. You will report Pernod Ricard SA's maganement data to the Group and contribute, depending on the departments entrusted to you, to the analysis of the monthly reporting and the phases of re-estimates and budgets. You will provide support to various departments at headquarters : you will ensure compliance with Group management procedures, instructions and deadlines, and provide technical and methodological support on management tools to the departments. As part of the digitalization of finance, you will actively contribute to the automation of data production and the development of relevant indicators as part of a continuous improvement process for our management tools.

Required skills:

Mastery of accounting concepts : operation of the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements and a good understanding of accounting principles Appetite for information systems : excellent use of Excel (VBA would be a plus), knowledge of Power BI would be an asset Experience with JDE's ERP would be appreciated

Required profile:

Higher education at a business school with a specialization in Finance Minimum 3 years of experience in management control Fluent English You are rigorous, smart, adaptable and have a good ability to adapt and a good capacity to synthesize

Join a team where 100% of employees feel proud to be associated with their company!

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Business Analyst, Headquarters
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