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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Pernod Ricard

Paris (75)

Company : Pernod Ricard MENA.

Based in Paris, Pernod Ricard MENA (Middle East & North Africa) aims at distributing Pernod Ricard brands to 3rd party distributors within the region.

Main mission :

Assist the area managers in their business analysis

Manage the pricing tools of PR MENA

Support the implementation of the projects developed by Pernod Ricard Commercial Development (holding) within the MENA region.

Key roles and responsibilities:

Mission 1: Business intelligence

Coordinate the relationships and data sharing with the external providers of business intelligence of PR MENA (IWSR, CEEMEA, Euro Monitor, Business France etc..) Formalize the analysis of the business environment and the market trends on a business perspective Follow the local organization of our competitors and the evolution of their route to markets Create and update a Fact Book of PR MENA business

Mission 2: Business analysis

Sell-in: gather, update and analyze the monthly depletions and inventories of the distributors, with a formal monthly reporting to the top management of PR MENA Sell-out: analyze the sell-out datas in the organized markets when available Analyze the commercial KPIs sent by our partners (presence, visibility, activation) Le Cercle: Support and monitor the presence, visibility, activation and volume of our Le Cercle brands in all iconic outlets

Mission 3 : Revenue growth management

Follow the pricing policy in the region by collecting the actual RSPs in the markets and checking compliance of our pricing with the guidelines from the Brand Companies User of RADAR Group pricing tool, in cooperation with the project manager and the finance department of PR MENA Conciliate the A&P expenses with the agreements approved by PR MENA and the distributors

Mission 4 : Assistant to commercial projects

Assist the Project Manager in the implementation of the projects in the MENA region: Trade Segmentation, Prestige Route to Market, eCommerce.. Assist the area managers in their commercial presentations

Mission 5: coordination of Sales & Operations

Improve the accuracy of our sales forecasts, thanks to close cooperation with the supply chain department of PR MENA Products under allocation: follow the shipments / depletions / inventories in the markets, for recommendation of reallocation in due course if needed, to the Area Directors

Dimension and perimeter:

Reporting to: Commercial Project Manager Number of direct report : none Main contacts outside Pernod Ricard : Sales & Marketing managers at distributor teams Main contacts within Pernod Ricard: PR MENA marketing team, customer service, supply chain financial department / Pernod Ricard Commercial Development and Business Development / Brand companies Perimeter of the position : International Professional trips (% of time working) : 10%

Requested profile :

Education :

Business school or similar level from University

Professional background expected : 1 to 3 years of sales / marketing experience, preferably in the spirits business or in the MENA region Experience of BtoB Project management skills (organization, planning) Business / Commercial oriented with analytical skills Knowledge of brand marketing (understanding of consumer insights)

Languages and other competencies : English : fluent French: fluent Excellent skills in presentations / super user of Windows pack office (Powerpoint, Excel)

Personality : Good sense of relationships Reliability Entrepreneurial mindset Open minded, used to work in different cultural environments Ethical respect and confidentiality acumen

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