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Senior Business Analyst - Finance Digital Transformation

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Business Analyst - Finance Digital Transformation chez Pernod Ricard

Senior Business Analyst - Finance Digital Transformation

Presentation of the Group: Pernod Ricard is the world's second largest wine and spirits company, with one of the most comprehensive brand portfolios in the market, with 240 premium brands distributed in over 160 countries. With sales of nearly 9 billion in the last fiscal year, the Group, which is listed on the CAC 40, is present in 70 countries and has more than 18,000 employees.

Presentation of the company and the department:  Pernod Ricard Headquarters, located in Paris, coordinates the transversal projects of its subsidiaries worldwide, through different departments and in line with the Group's global strategy.

The position reports to the Finance Department of Pernod Ricard Headquarters, whose main missions are to manage the general accounting, consolidation, taxation and management control of 4 companies including Pernod Ricard SA, the Group's parent company, as well as to lead and implement numerous projects, particularly in the context of the Group's Digital Transformation.

Roles and responsibilities:

1) You will actively contribute to the department's digital transformation projects:

- New Group EPM: Evolution of our ways of working to meet the new processes defined by the Group;

- Change of BI and P2P tools: Automation of dashboarding and evolution of functionalities according to business needs, participation in tests phases;

- Headquaters’ ERP merger in a common french instance: Change management with the operational teams, updating of our operating procedures and evolution of the ERP according to the business needs.

You will make proposals for improvement and automation.

2) You will also be the key contact for several departments. As such, you will contribute to the analysis of monthly reporting, re-estimates and budgets. You will ensure that deadlines and management procedures are respected and provide technical and methodological support on management tools to departments. Consolidation of reporting. Coordination with other team members.

Required skills:

Mastery of accounting concepts: P&L and balance sheet, good understanding of accounting principles;
Ability and interest in information systems: Excellent knowledge of Excel, good knowledge of ERP, EPM (Tagetik would be a plus) and data visualization tools (Power BI would be a plus);
You are fluent in French and English and are perfectly comfortable writing procedures.


Business school/ Engineer's school/ Equivalent University Degree with a specialization in Finance;
You have experience in management control and project management in a corporate or consulting environment (3 to 5 years);
You are agile, reactive and adaptable;
You have excellent interpersonal skills and a strong sense of rigor, organization and quality.


Position available immediately
Based in Paris 8ème (near the Saint Lazare train station)
Possibility to work up to 2 days per week remotely

Pernod Ricard values diversity and solidarity within its organization and in its relations with its stakeholders. Our recruitment methods focus on skills and we welcome all types of talent.

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date:


Target End Date:


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Senior Business Analyst - Finance Digital Transformation
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