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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst / Freelance chez PHIDELYS consulting

FREELANCE UNIQUEMENT Environment: A group of services is looking for a Data collection Analyst to strengthen its teams. Mission: You will be a central player in an agile team that will include skillsets to work autonomously by including multidiscipline team members. You setup a continuous to secure that Adecco data platform is fed on ongoing basis with up to date data, enabling deployment of Adecco Digital strategy. We will expect you insure quality patterns, reusability, configurability, scaling and quality analytics.

You will organizationally be working in the CTO organization and will be part of cross functional work groups where you will be expected to contribute to build up and dissemination of practices and technologies. Profile: You have a technical background with a master’s degree in engineering, mathematics, physics or computer or data science. Y Demonstrable experience with integration technologies (ex : Informatica) and in general Azure services (App service, traffic manager, API management etc) is preferred, alternatively, demonstrable experience with other major cloud platforms comparable technologies as well as none cloud native .NET development is a minimum Demonstrable experience in working in global and multicultural organisation You have a creative and analytical mind-set. You are fluent in both written and spoken English.

You can work independently and you like to get the job done. You are collaborative and versed in working closely with the business outcome owners and you are inherently customer centric in your leadership. Responsibilities: We will expect you to be creative and result-oriented. You will be expected to work both systematically and independent with an ongoing reporting and correspondence with colleagues and piers evaluating progress and deciding on next steps.

We encourage an open knowledge sharing culture and expect you to be a part of this including internal blog post, wiki documentation and internal presentations. We also enforce a strong process culture with various tools to automate the mechanical aspects of software development, e.g. issue database, continuous integration, and wiki. Experience: Minimum 3 years English: Bilingual
Cpf final 4

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Data Analyst / Freelance
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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