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Business Analyst: Product - pricing and sellables

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst: Product - pricing and sellables chez is happy to announce that we are seeking a Business Analyst to join as a member of our Data and Analytics department. The mission of the Data and Analytics Department is to make smarter by enabling a deeper understanding of our customers and our internal operations. We do this by wrangling an enormous pile of platform events and operational business data into insights that can use to make better decisions and a better product for our users.

The primary mission of this role is to assist our Product team in the analysis and evolution of our pricing model. You will work with Product leadership to identify our core value metrics and you'll function as the primary data resource in retooling and optimizing our monetization strategy. This will be an ongoing mission, so a sense of product and the bigger picture will serve you well in this role.


Work within our existing data warehouse and ELT process to provide data insights on product questions Provide data-driven answers to product and pricing questions related to new paid features Build data models that inform our pricing model and predict optimal price points Identify features and potential opportunities based on our product data Create business cases around proposed features that explain why they should be prioritized

You'll also be working closely with the Director of Data and Analytics to come up to speed on the methodologies of our data practice here at, as well as the constellation of available data in support of your mission. This position has multiple possible paths for advancement, and those with an interest in moving into a career in product management are encouraged to apply.


High degree of SQL expertise; the ability to produce complex SQL queries on a data warehouse Highly skilled at using Python and SQL to create data models and simulations Data Analysis using common tools: Metabase, BigQuery, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Pandas, and Google Sheets Industry experience or business understanding is a nice plus. If you understand developer tooling, cloud hosting, or IaaS providers we want to talk to you Understanding of the developer workflow: the practices and toolsets that developer teams use to build software

This is a remote job. Work from anywhere!

We are a worldwide distributed team and are looking for a candidate who can perform well working remotely. To be an effective performer here at, you'll need to be able to effectively collaborate across time zones while operating with a high level of independence and autonomy. If you do not have all the required skills: we are also looking for potential.

About Us is the end-to-end PaaS that enables you to build, run, and scale websites and apps in the languages and frameworks your teams need to innovate. We've created the leading end-to-end web platform that scales as your organization grows. Whether you're building a single site in one city or deploying and managing a fleet of sites worldwide, takes care of multi-cloud hosting, management, and operations, so you can focus on development with our included tools, APIs and workflows. is trusted by 5000+ organizations globally to create the best digital experiences.

We want people who are passionate, open, multicultural, friendly, humble and smart to join us and help this fast-growing, award-winning company to revolutionize the tech industry.

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Business Analyst: Product - pricing and sellables
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