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Data Analyst - Strategic Partnerships ( US or western EU )

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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst - Strategic Partnerships ( US or western EU ) chez

About is a remote-first global workforce that began in France. Our founders are committed to a better way, and that common thread continues today in each of our staff. We're inspired by a future where digital infrastructure is at once everywhere and invisible. Where innovation and collaboration can easily flow, without technical barriers.

We're a collective of diverse backgrounds seated together, testing, innovating, challenging each other, and reflecting on new ways to improve digital experiences. We're here to help our customers thrive.

Bring your experience to our team and help us build a better way.

Position Summary

The Data and Analytics team at is searching for our next Analytics Engineer to work with our internal strategic alliances and agency partner departments, focusing on data process creation, improvement, and support.

The ideal candidate can be flexible in hours but comfortable being available 9a-1p EST.

What you can expect to do on a daily basis

Grow into the role of liaison between our data and our strategic partnership teams. We look forward to helping you become an expert on our data while you build an understanding of their needs and processes. Continue to bring partially automated finance and invoice reporting systems closer to a fully automated state. Build a collective understanding of product usage within the different types of alliances and partnerships we manage, allowing you and the teams to prepare recommendations for future partnership opportunities. Help the strategic partnership teams prepare for rapid growth by using data to create an environment of scalability: you will help these teams set themselves up to be efficient and successful. Analyze the effectiveness of our new partner tier structure and the implementation of our partner management system.

What you bring

A caring mindframe and an empathetic spirit. The ability to think from other perspectives is a kindness we ask of all teammates. Thorough skill with writing SQL. This is a SQL first position - we use dbt to manage our Transform layer to connect our raw data with our end users. An enthusiastic understanding of data process analysis and implementation, with experience doing needs assessments. Comfortable interfacing with multiple teams and working directly with teammates to identify common solutions. Clear communication in written and spoken English.

Nice to have

Familiarity with dbt, Git, Python, or Creative energy for data visualization.

What we bring as a team

The mission of the Data and Analytics Department is to make smarter by enabling a deeper understanding of our customers and our internal operations. We understand that success is a journey of improvement, and as such, it comes in many forms and relies on iteration and continuously adopting the next right thing. We uphold an environment of trust, communication, inclusivity, and innovation.

This is a remote job. Work from anywhere!

We're a worldwide, distributed team looking for the best talent. Our remote model has been in practice and thriving since 2014. To us, remote work means flexibility and having truly diverse, global teams.

As a side effect of teams being spread across time zones, you may have to tolerate occasional early morning meetings if you live in the Americas, or late night meetings if you live in an APAC country*. We do our best to accommodate time zones but there are preferred hours for certain roles and teams. The team you interview with will be able to give you a clear idea of their collaborative hours.

Some teams are extremely flexible with no odd-hour meetings while others have planned on-call or necessary times. Actual flexibility is dependent on the role, team and location.

Company perks and benefits

Leadership that cares A global team rich with culture and diversity An open work environment where your voice is encouraged. We can always find ways to do better and look forward to hearing your ideas. A product you can believe in. We're changing the way companies develop and manage their web applications Wellness stipend of $300 a year Professional development budget of $800 Tandem – a pool of linguists from around the world willing to help each other work on learning new languages $3,000 office budget at hire (computer is mandatory but spend the rest on things that help you work, from headphones to a wifi extender) and a welcome kit of branded swag A yearly global gift exchange - get paired up with someone 3,000 miles or kilometers away and share a part of your home We're voted as A Best Place to Work. 96% of employees think is a great place to work Company-wide DE&I initiative that you can be a part of Yearly, international, company-wide meetups (when we're not experiencing a pandemic) Fair PTO based on your country's standards Inclusive parental leave (timeline is country-dependent) Remote working/flexibility Healthcare, dental, and vision (US, CA, UK and FR staff only) Matched contributions to 401K/RRSP (US and Canada staff only) Company shares (discretionary) Unlimited accounts

About recruitment process

We don't expect a great hire to meet every requirement we have listed. If you can see yourself elevating the team we want to hear about your story. Few of us would be here had we not taken a chance.

You can expect 1-4 interviews on Google Meet. We leave the process fairly customizable to teams and roles, so in some scenarios we're able to streamline the process to have minimal rounds. Expect a higher number of rounds for director level roles and above.

Additionally, you can schedule coffee chats with potential future peers while you're in the recruitment process to see if you can envision working together. Use interview and coffee time to make sure the company aligns with your best working environment.

All roles require background checks.

About software

We are the most unified, secure, enterprise-grade platform for building, running and scaling fleets of websites and applications. is trusted by 5,000+ organizations globally to create the best digital experiences.

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Data Analyst - Strategic Partnerships ( US or western EU )
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