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Growth & Customer Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Growth & Customer Acquisition Manager chez Rythm

What’s this role about?
The Rythm team is seeking a results-oriented individual to help manage customer acquisition and growth marketing for the Dreem product. As the company prepares to launch its first product in a nascent neurotechnology category, we’re poised with some tough challenges to not only communicate strategically, but also effectively. To achieve this, we are looking for an individual that is entrepreneurial, has an appetite for risk, and motivated by the need to execute. Our team is multifaceted and works with various disciplines within the company to ensure that every customer touchpoint is optimized and every customer experience is incredible.
As the Growth & Customer Acquisition Manager, you will envision and execute on a growth strategy for our core product and its services. Reporting to VP of Marketing, you will be given full autonomy to drive highly effective, growth tactics to deliver user acquisition, conversion, engagement, and retention. You will also be in-charge of all marketing analytics that can help you and the Rythm team succeed.

Improve and build a growth strategy that drives signups, awareness, engagement, and retention Deliver new customers via all paid, owned, and earned marketing channels. Paid Marketing: Develop and deploy profitable, at-scale, online marketing program which includes SEM, SEO, display, social, affiliate marketing, and direct media partnerships Owned and Earned: Work with content counterparts to use content and social channels to push beyond traditional “direct marketing" strategies to create a many-to-many network of customer acquisition events. Identify, deploy, and manage tools for growth - A/B testing, SEO, Social & Web Analytics Manage third party agencies and partners as necessary to deliver against goals Collaborate with Product Marketing lead to develop and refine key target segments, conduct surveys, testing audiences, and map our strategy / execution plan to reach them effectively Partner with sales team to understand key sales drivers and optimize campaigns accordingly Interface with email marketing tools, search engines, networks and partnerships Own Analytics and Optimization: Measure campaign effectiveness and quickly drive iterative improvements which demonstrate rapid optimization of return on spend. Develop standardized reporting with Product team and proactively communicate results throughout the company Implement and continually test new creative messaging, landing pages, campaigns and tools Partner with sales team to build a thorough distribution strategy and develop new channels to reach the identified segments Requirements:
Basic Qualifications
Excellent writing, communication, and cross-departmental management skills 2+ years of digital marketing work experience in launching demand generation programs Experience in paid acquisition channels to single handedly build and manage campaigns Experience in various marketing tools and platforms, may include: Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads Manager, programmatic ad-buying platforms, third-party tracking software, etc. Analytical mindset with proficiency and examples of dashboarding marketing metrics High attention to detail and project management, able to manage multiple, competing priorities A desire to work in a fast-paced environment and foster a data-driven mindset Bachelor’s Degree required Additional Considerations
Previous hardware or consumer product marketing experience
Cpf final 4

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Growth & Customer Acquisition Manager
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