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CDI - Master Data Manager W/M- Winter Sports Equipment

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Contenu de l'offre CDI - Master Data Manager W/M- Winter Sports Equipment chez Salomon

Annecy (74) Job Description

We are looking for a Master Data Manager Winter Sports Equipment W/M to:

Be responsible for the implementation of the global master data strategy and to provide support to the business by guiding maintenance of material Master Data in accordance with the Winter Sports Equipment goals and objectives. The position will provide support to the business by assisting in and leading master data related projects. The Master Data Manager will initiate efforts to increase data quality, efficiency and will participate in enhancement opportunities within the master data space.

You will report directly to the Head of Sales Controlling & Sales Operations

Main Activities


Facilitate regular exchange and strategic reviews between brands and shared platforms (IT, SAP, OPS, GTM, etc.) Act as first contact and networker in terms of master data for the category (brands and transversal functions) Implement standards, rules and principles as related to master data management on category level (in alignment with global MD) Identify critical areas and develop risk mitigation plans as related to master data management (e.g. know-how transfer, system, etc.) Identify, develop and implement processes to maintain high-quality data assets supporting the business in providing quality data, ensuring data consistency, accuracy, and accessibility


Facilitate regular trainings and best practice sharing across users and key-stakeholder (in-/outside the category) Understand and visualize the interactions in between systems as well as the link in between in-and output (end-to-end) Drive transparency based on workflows, working instructions, up-to-date documentation, etc. Act as central contact with regard to all RFC (requests for change) on PLM systems and MD effecting the category (prioritization) Act as a liaison between the business and IT support staff providing technical solutions that fit the business needs and structure Propose and execute master data enhancements to achieve more efficient, accurate data


Facilitate and host continuous feedback and improvement session with key-users (heavy users) inside of Winter Sports Equipment Drive and support the continuous improvement process of systems, interfaces, workflows and data quality Develop the know-how and expertise of the category in master


Needed Work Experience: Knowledge and Understanding of large and complex data bases, with a minimum of 3-5 years of experience

Education: Bachelor’s degree with business or data-related focus (Information Systems)

Specific Skills:

Knowledge of master data management concepts and approaches

Strong project and time management skills with attention to detail with excellent follow-through

Leadership skills with the ability to influence non-hierarchical, cross-functional work groups to drive to consensus on definitions and data usage

Excellent communication skills in a multicultural organization

Able to work under pressure with multiple deadlines

Analytical experience with high aptitude for research, analysis and problem solving skills

Proactive to challenge the status quo and to recommend innovative solutions

Drive, enthusiasm

Foreign Language(s): Fluent English skills required, German and French skills an advantage

Additional Information

Permanent Contract, Full Time

Location can be Altenmarkt, Annecy or Munich

Cpf final 4

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CDI - Master Data Manager W/M- Winter Sports Equipment
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