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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Sartorius

The eBusiness Data Scientist will be responsible for the setup and further development of methods to deal with big data and to develop tools by which to measure business processes. The goal is to be as productive as you can by using eBusiness solutions related to the site operation quality department.

The eBusiness Data Scientist will be responsible for the setup and further development of methods to deal with big data and to develop tools by which to measure business processes. The goal is to be as productive as you can by using eBusiness solutions related to the site operation quality department.

Main Responsabilitiess and tasks

Take ownership of projects that are focused on customer and internal insights with significant business impact Conceive, design and implement algorithms, scalable frameworks and new methods to deal with big data Continuously develop and maintain our solutions Use data-driven insights to create ideas regarding how to advance business Develop and detect data for performance management for digitalized processes and develop related dashboards Function as an in-house consultant by providing expertise data science, advanced analytics and quantitative research


BSc in information technology or similar Expert in big data analysis and development of algorithms to measure eBusiness solutions Experience in working with testing and analytics tools Analytical work approach Fluent in English

Autonomy / Responsability

Activities following medium/long term missions determined by the Site Quality Manager. Execute missions in compliances with norms and procedures (BPF, BPD, ISO 9001 et ISO 13485.) Ability to solve complexe interface issues between systems Ability to work in a matrix organization Able to organize and execute his/her mission within required deadline.

Quality, Hygiene, Safety & Environment

The owner of this position contributes to the respect of the compliance with the rules of Quality, Hygiene, Safety and the Environment, by respecting the quality, hygiene, safety and environmental instructions and by detecting anomalies, potential quality incidents or accident risks Environmental Safety and forwarding them to their manager or to the department in charge of handling them.

Note: This job description is not restrictive because the position may occasionally be required to perform work different from those described above.

We look for employees who would like to grow with us and move the innovative life sciences sector forward. In the process, we focus on agile project work, mutual support within teams and working as equals. Sartorius thrives as a company with people who give their very best every day and who are eager to develop personally and professionally.

Further insights into our world of work can be found here.

Cpf final 4

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Data Analyst
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