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Contenu de l'offre DATA SCIENTIST chez Scibids


The mission of Scibids is to provide to media buyers fully automated buying strategies for display
campaigns, bringing the best performances for a minimum human work.

As a Data Scientist, your role will be to evaluate and improve Scibids bidding algorithms, which
are Scibids main asset, and to actively participate into Scibids automation and development process:
each business case not yet automatically handled by our product should be met by the corresponding
product improvement. This position will combine analytical rigor, a relentless curiosity, a strong
knowledge of statistical methods and experience in implementing them.

On a day to day basis, your responsibilities will include:

working with massive datasets (billions of ads impressions/month) and millions of variables.solving non-routine analysis problems (not handled by off-the-shelf ML solvers).working closely with commercial and customer success team and help identify the business cases where a new algorithm is needed/existing ones need improvement.
identify and automate any repetitive process taking place at Scibids, including cases where this means developing some AI routines replacing “human common sense”.


Minimum qualifications:

MS degree in applied mathematics (e.g., statistics, probabilities, operations research, machine learning).
Work / academic projects experience in data analysis or related field (e.g., as a statistician/data scientist) with actual algorithms implementation in an industry programing
language (eg Python, C++...)
Preferred qualifications:
Professional experience (up to 3 years) or PhD degree in data analysis (e.g., as a statistician/data scientist) including deep expertise and experience in applying mathematical
methods to massive datasets.
Professional/academic experience in a SQL-like language.

Preferred qualifications:

Professional experience (up to 3 years) or PhD degree in data analysis (e.g., as a statistician/data scientist) including deep expertise and experience in applying mathematical
methods to massive datasets.
Professional/academic experience in a SQL-like language.

Cultural fit

Do things only once. No repetitive task survives to ingeniosity and automation: at Scibids, everything needs to scale!
Base your decisions on data points. Preconceived personal convictions rarely survive thorough confrontation with actual data.
Work in team and be curious. Every Scibids member has stock-options and is focused on the same objective: make Scibids the next adtech unicorn! This means being interested in
how one’s daily personal work fits in Scibids general strategy and having in mind the greater
good of the company rather than individual accomplishments.
Have a good laugh. We are a young, hard-working team with huge ambitions: nothing wipes off long hours of work better than a good beer with the guys!


Screening interview (30min)
Technical interview (one afternoon)
Founder's interview (2h)


Contract type: Full-Time Start date: 05 April 2018 Location: Paris, France (75013) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience Level: > 6 months
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