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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst chez SMART ADSERVER


About the team ?

Helping the company being fully data-driven is not just a buzz word, it is our mission at Smart. We, the Data Analytics team at Smart, maximize Smart’s efficiency by enabling easy and permanent access to quality data, valuable insights & rigorous thinking. Our responsibility is to ensure our local and central teams, clients and partners, make informed business decisions.

Your mission ?


Monitor the performance trends of Smart’s business units and customers worldwide to pro-actively identify areas of concern and propose corrective actions Develop insightful metrics and reports that will empower central and local teams to better understand their customers’ performance, and ultimately reach their goals Investigate our customers’ setup and use of our system to provide actionable recommendations to optimize their revenue, and ultimately Smart’s revenue


Work closely with multi-disciplinary teams serving the Supply-side of our B2B Marketplace Lead the weekly synchronization meeting with Supply internal leaders to ensure proper alignment on recent deliverables, understand upcoming needs and associated prioritization Ensure proper adoption of the metrics and reports built with an internal go to market (beta-testing phase, communication, training, continuous optimization)

About you ?

3+ years prior work experience at an analytics or strategy consulting company Master’s degree or higher in a quantitative or business field (Statistics, Mathematics, Econometrics, Economics, Finance, etc.) Strong knowledge of reporting software (Tableau) required Technical knowledge in SQL, R, Python and other programming languages is a plus You are Fluent in English You can demonstrate your ability to solve problems end to end. Ability to present results to both technical and non-technical audiences You have a real interest in online Advertising market and the impact of a high-performance technology in this market Curious, daring, dynamic and versatile personality required.

Why you should apply...

? We are one! At Smart, we care for our people. We are certified Great Place To Work and are constantly improving our working environment. Meet the team: ? Grow with us! You will work in a challenging and fast-paced profitable context with varied projects and get awesome opportunities to develop your skills and grow internally. ? Leave your mark! Smart is a human-size company. Our employees thrive under autonomy and can easily have a strong impact on our business, customers and organization. ✈️ Live global! You will work across countries & cultures through career path or Backpackers Program, our interoffice exchange program to boost employees’ collaboration.

? We are transparent! We speak with fact and data and have a true culture of feedback. We believe in an open world and show a strong sense of integrity both internally & externally.
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Senior Data Analyst
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