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Digital Product Manager E-commerce International (H-F)

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Product Manager E-commerce International (H-F) chez Solantis

Digital Product Manager E-commerce International (H-F)

Our client is an international manufacturer and marketer of B2B products, massively investing on their omnichannel transformation.

They are building strategic project like e-commerce re-platforming (Magento), CX: self-service online, quotation, customization, product search & recommendation, on-offline seamless experience; … to deliver ambitious growth for all divisions & brands of the group.

The Digital Product Manager will assist in defining the product vision, and growth strategies, and will be responsible for the end-to-end lifecycle of the e-commerce platform. The role requires a range of skills from market and customer research, designing the product architecture, UI UX,....


● Closely collaborating with tech teams: 3d party service provider, internal IT (US-India-UK), to bring business/customer-centric vision on the product roadmap within an Agile framework (scrum ceremonies).

● Create a product vision (short to long term) that aligns with the broader company plan and convert that into a concrete strategy and product roadmap

● Drive product strategies and long-term vision to build best-in-class digital products

● Partner with the business teams to identify key capabilities needed as well as identify potential issues

● Partner with cross-functional teams regularly to ensure alignment on feature development and prioritization

● Evaluate, analyze, and understand the voice of the customer through a variety of data sources

● Oversee and manage requirements discovery, solution design, feature development, and user acceptance criteria

● Monitor and evaluate product performance to ensure constant product iteration and improvements

● Track, manage, and communicate key issues and risks with transparency to business teams, developers, vendor partners, and leadership


M/F with Bachelor degree (minimum) and 5-7 years XP (at least) – in digital marketing & e-commerce positions in international B2C or B2B companies.
Expertise on traffic acquisition, retention, conversion, order value development/cart abandonment, SEO/SEA, (ideally omnichannel) customer journey,…
Understanding on how to collaborate and influence in a multicultural working environment : strong interdependency
Project and product management experience within the Agile Scrum framework
Ability to lead multiple projects simultaneously and prioritize
UX/UI notions
Transversal coordination with cross-funtional teams and integrated systems (ERP,…)

Position based in Lille/north area France - including business travels in Europe and US.

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Digital Product Manager E-commerce International (H-F)
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