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Senior Banking Business Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Banking Business Analyst chez Talendo Consulting

Talendo Consulting is a management consulting startup advising clients in the global financial services industry specializing in consumer Credit & Leasing. Talendo works for international clients that are key players in retail banking, financial companies, industrial groups and car manufacturers specializing in consumer credit, leasing or car loans.

Job description

We are currently seeking a Senior Business Analyst to be responsible for supporting the implementation of various key Financial Services Software Solutions in Europe.

The qualified candidate will be involved in project management and in all the implementation phases, from requirement definition to the go-live of the project.


Client Business specific requirements analysis and their translation into Financial Services Software Functionalities:

Analyzing customers’ business requirements in order to be able to advise on various options to meet these requirements with the Financial Services Software Solution;Participating in workshops at client sites to complete requirement analysis based on client products, process flows and Financial Services standard software functionalities;

Configuration, testing and active client support during the implementation process:

Implementation of the System configuration within the Financial Services Software Solution to support business processes and organization of the client;Participation in test definition, from integration to functional tests;Active support and training to ensure client needs are met.

Required Skills

Talendo is looking for a creative and ingenious candidate, with strong problem-solving abilities, along with qualitative large data analysis skills that can understand in a short notice client business expectations. The successful candidate will be trained on Financial Service Software Solution selected by the client, will join an integration team and will be supervised by a Senior Consultant.

Experience in setting up and integrating software solution for financial services industry is an important asset. Regardless of the field of study, it is important to be able to justify successful experiences in his career, both on the professional level and during his studies.

BS/BA in Business/Finance/Engineering;Functional knowledge of finance services (leasing, loan, asset management);Excellent oral/written communication and presentation skills;Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint;Excellent customer service and strong teamwork skills;Excellent analytical and organizational skills;Willingness to learn and progress at a rapid pace;Fluent in English & French is an asset

Desired Skills:

Basic PL/SQL knowledgeKnowledge on Software Development Life Cycle

Significant travel is required for that position.

Modernity is the differentiating factor of Talendo, a booming startup

Horizontal company and self-governance: Everyone can decide for the company, collective intelligence, communication and agile way of working.Entreaide: Everyone can train on his subject, everyone capitalizesWell-being at work: Mentoring, Happiness chief Co-working and conviviality Eworking and organization of working timeAverage age < 30 years

Visit our website

Type d'emploi : CDI

Salaire : 45 000,00€ à 65 000,00€ /an

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Senior Banking Business Analyst
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