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Product Owner - Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner - Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst chez Technicolor

Product Owner - Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst

Company Description

Technicolor, a worldwide technology leader in the media and entertainment sector, at the forefront of digital innovation, operates through 2 divisions: Entertainment Services (#1 worldwide in visual effects and DVD services) and Connected Home. Our operating division “Connected Home” is one of the leaders on wide range of solutions to Pay -TV operators and network service providers for the delivery of digital entertainment, data, voice, and smart home services though the design and supply of products such as set-top boxes, gateways and managed wireless tablets.

For this business division, we are looking for a “Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst”. This position is located in Paris. 

Job Description

In an environment with a high complexity and in a global context, the “Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst” is a key actor to administrate our shipment tracking tools and monitor Logistics and Transportation systems activities. He will report to the Supply Chain Department Manager (global Supply Chain organization of TCH)
The “Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst” will have a triple responsibility:

1. Tool administration

Manage inbound / outbound track & trace (T&T) tools on a day-to-day basis
Onboard new partners into the tool: carriers and warehouses selected by Sourcing
Support tools upgrades: user testing and training, build documentation and cutover, execute roll-out
Manage roles and authorizations depending on user's functional scope (internal and external)
Drive the logistics non-compliance tracker tool 

 2. Activity Monitoring

Monitor business and technical issues related to T&T tools, working with IT and Business to resolve them
Animate periodic business reviews, implement action plan and follow-up with internal and external parties
Build dashboard and KPI's to better track activity, communicate results to internal and external partners
Take part in Quarterly Business Reviews with partners (Forwarders, warehouses and TMS platforms) supporting the Logistics team

 3. Project management 

Drive enhancement projects of T&T tools with internal and external partners
Participate in logistics projects as Subject Matter Expert related to Logistics and Transportation data


We are looking for a candidate with a Bac+4/+5 and a first experience in data analysis in Transportation using shipment tracking tools. An experience in Warehousing would be appreciated. Client oriented, the candidate must have a cross-functional and multicultural vision, with strong communication skills (fluet English is mandatory) and team spirit.
S/he must be an advanced user of MS office tools and should be familiar with BI tools (PowerBI)

Additional Information

Fluent in English and French mandatory


Type: Full-time

Function: Analyst

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Product Owner - Logistics and Transportation Data Analyst
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