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Security Data Analyst / Analyste Sécurité

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Contenu de l'offre Security Data Analyst / Analyste Sécurité chez Technicolor


Our strength is our people at Technicolor, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what entertainment can be. From the industry's most award-winning artistic talents, leading technologists, innovators and others, our strength lies in our people. By investing, nurturing and developing our talents, we empower each member of the Technicolor family to do what they do best and thrive. Together, we unleash amazing experiences for audiences around the world.

Technicolor's brands have worked on the spectacular scenes and the little details that make movies, advertising campaigns and animated films truly breathtaking. We are the people behind the effects in countless blockbuster movies like The Lion King, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: Sponge Runner, and advertising campaigns for clients such as Samsung, Audi, Nike and Apple. We're constantly on the lookout for the best talent in the world, enthusiastic people who come every day to be a part of some of the best jobs in the industry. Technicolor's artists are extremely creative, uber-talented, and passionate about the possibilities of visual effects, experience, animation and technology.

With more than 40 million devices produced per year, Technicolor ranks among the world-leading suppliers of digital content delivery services and home access devices, including set-top-boxes and gateways, security is a day-to-day concern for Technicolor. The crypto platform architect will design/develop/configure/support security tools for Connected Home.

About the Position:

Connected Home Crypto Process Analyst will be in charge of the following activities :

Manage security keys lifecycle of connected devices (Conditional Access key, HDCP, PKI certificate, wifi password, …)Cooperate with R&D to implement new security requirements for key productionSecurity requirements analysisDesign and integration of third-party security SW components into ConnectedHome key management system (Trinity) following industry security best practicesContribute to Technicolor Security Policy within ISO27001 framework.

Candidate Profile

Minimum 1-2 years’ experience as a software developer/architectVery good skills and knowledge in the following technology areas.


Project managementLinuxCloud security infrastructure & Network (microservice application)Software development lifecycleCryptography concepts


PMP certificationDatabase conceptsOpenSSL familiarityREST APIPython, C/C++, .NET C# …

Mindset required :

Ability to coordinate projects and lead multiple teamsExcellent analytical and troubleshooting skillsAbility to quickly learn and adapt to new technologies and conceptsFluent English


Technicolor complies with all federal, state and local laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, religion, creed, colour, national origin, ancestry, health status (including genetic characteristics), disability or mental and/or physical handicap, marital status, sex, age, veteran status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity, preference for a political party, political beliefs, socio-economic status, family status, registered domestic partner status, military service, pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions and any other characteristic or activity protected by law federal, state or local.

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 50 000,00€ à 60 000,00€ par an

Avantages :

Épargne salarialeTitre-restaurantTravail à Distance

Horaires :

Du Lundi au VendrediPériodes de Travail de 8 Heures

Rémunération supplémentaire :

Prime annuelle


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Security Data Analyst / Analyste Sécurité
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