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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst Internship chez Tilak Healthcare


Tilak Healthcare was founded in 2016. The mission of the company is to build a series of fun medical games to change the way we monitor chronic diseases. In a nutshell, Tilak is a unique videogame studio where like-minded, passionate people create games to help others. Great games with therapeutic value. "You play, we care."
What we offer is a great work environment, with a positive and collaborative atmosphere. Our workplace feels like home.
We do believe that what we can do can change medicine for the better. And the most exciting thing ? We're just getting started.

Job Description & Environment :

We're looking for a talented data analyst intern to join Tilak and help us to build the future of digital medicine, making serious games with stand-out production values, heart and broad appeal that will help people.

As part of the Programming Department, you will work on analyzing the data we gather and presenting results of your findings in order to improve our product and the experience of our users.

Within this framework, your main tasks will include :
Developing and improving our data analysis tools, supervising their deployment and their maintenance.
Creating reports to present the results of your analysis to other teams and outside partners.
Analyze and interpret data in order to identify patterns and trends in data sets (medical, game, doctors, behavioral, ...)
Assisting the programming team in defining new data collection and analysis processes

Candidate Profile

+1 year professional experience in data analysis.
Bachelor's degree in or equivalent experience in quantitative field (Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, etc.)
Experience with SQL language.
Independent, dynamic, thorough and enjoying working as part of a team.
Fluent in English.
Familiarity with Big Data frameworks and visualization tools (Cassandra, Hadoop, Spark, Tableau)
Fluency in a programming language with scripting languages (like Python) would be a plus
Experience with Google Cloud Data suite (BigQuery, DataStudio) would be a plus.
And above all, motivation and a passion for video games !

Additional Information

Why join Tilak ?
Opportunity to work with a small team of experienced game developers, top talent, passionate gamers and outstanding scientists.
Easy-going, enthusiastic, fun and at the same time a very results-driven culture
Competitive compensation
Central and attractive offices in Paris
Free snacks & coffee
Be a part something meaningful, in other words, the opportunity to change the world : )

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