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Senior Data Analyst, Marketing Acquisition Analytics

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Analyst, Marketing Acquisition Analytics chez Tripadvisor

TheFork, a Tripadvisor® Company is the leading online restaurants reservation platform in Europe, Australia and Latin America, with a network of more than 80,000 restaurants worldwide, more than 30.5 million monthly visits and present in +22 countries around the globe.

TheFork connects restaurants and diners.

Through TheFork (website and application), as well as through Tripadvisor, users can easily select a restaurant according to preference criteria (such as the localisation, type of cuisine, restaurant type and average price), consult user reviews, check real-time availability and instantly book online.

From the restaurants side, TheFork provides them with a software solution, TheFork Manager, which enables restaurants to optimize reservations management, streamline operations and ultimately improve service and revenues.

TheFork team aims to inspire and enable people to confidently discover, experience and share food. We operate under a shared set of values that define how we do business and how we interact with our colleagues, our partners, our customers and our food community. We strongly believe that building a diverse workforce of people from all walks of life helps us have a richer, more vibrant, more successful workplace.

As a Senior Data Analyst, you will be part of the Data team, which is a transverse organization and which role is to support our Business.

You will report to the Product Analytics Manager and be part of a team of ~25 People including Data Engineers, Data Scientists, Web Analysts…

The Data Team has 3 missions :

Accelerate the Business thanks to data and insights Support company transformation towards a Data-driven Culture Develop a valuable and actionable data asset

What are your missions?

As a key player in our Data team, you will take ownership of the Business-Data Domain: Acquisition, on which you will partner with Business teams to help them leveraging data to accelerate their different projects and initiatives.

You will participate in improving user acquisition strategies and optimizing the conversion on our product; based on the analysis of the performance of marketing channels, the performance of journeys, and your business-oriented recommendations.

You will develop a deep understanding of business operations in order to set up a smart and state of the art equipment (attribution models, dashboards…), to support decision-making, performance management and support on multi-channel campaign targeting strategy.

The expected outcomes of your role are:

A scalable data-driven acquisition strategy, aiming to optimize the media spent and accelerate the acquisition of new customers. Smart and proactive recommendations on what to do to justify TheFork's acquisition strategy, and more generally speaking to accelerate business growth and profitability (Clear vision, roadmap and deliverables around the Acquisition projects) Business teams are equipped with A-level (relevant, reliable, proactive and agile) set of data and best-in-class equipment to monitor Marketing Acquisition performance. Your role on this will be to lead its co-design with the different stakeholders and then to work with other data team expertise (BI, data engineering) to make it happen. You will be the trustable partner for Business teams when it comes to monitor whether the business goes in the right direction and whether some alerts are to be communicated.

Who you are?

You are working in an autonomous, proactive and accountable way: you don't wait to be told what to do. You demonstrate an obsession towards excellence: you systematically consider that good is not enough and constantly consider how to improve and reach the next level of quality, performance and impact You play agile and fast: delivering in a fast-paced environment is an easy business for you. You are comfortable managing several topics in parallel, with different stakeholders involved. You demonstrate a high level of team collaboration: reaches out to peers and cooperates with supervisors to establish an overall collaborative working relationship. You bring the outside in seeking excellence, you have developed habits to benchmark and consider how other companies are doing, what best practices could be a source of inspiration and systematically consider how they can apply in your specific business context You have 5-6 years of experience in a similar role: you have experience in a media agency or consulting on the following topics: programmatic, SEA, display, DMP, CDP, … You have high knowledge of marketing channels (and their specificities according to channels, KPIs, tools, attribution models) You have strong experience in the use of at least 1 web analytics tool (Google Analytics), and you know how to use the raw data to create relevant attribution analysis Your knowledge of the ad-tech ecosystem (Facebook business manage, Adwords, Appsflyer, Realytics,..) and database tools (Datorama, Tableau..) allow you to efficiently manipulate data and develop impactful storytelling to present your findings. You have excellent analytical skills, you are able to find the best insights and summarize findings in a clear and actionable way The knowledge of tracking (tag management, data layer) is a plus. SQL, Python knowledge is also a plus for the use of data in our dataleake


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Senior Data Analyst, Marketing Acquisition Analytics
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